Chapter 3 Seduction

1495 Words
This made my blood boil instantly. Then I noticed that there was a basin full of clothes next to her, so I looked at her in confusion, "Can I help you?" "Oh, I want to do laundry, but my washing machine is broken. Can I use your washing machine to wash these clothes?" She paused and added, "I will pay the water bill." I couldn't refuse, and I didn't want to, so I nodded in agreement. She carried the basin of clothes into my bathroom, and then skillfully started the washing machine. While she was doing the laundry, I stood behind her and looked at her. She was wearing a pair of white shorts, and her two slender beautiful legs appeared in front of me. She was wearing a pair of slippers, revealing her lightly thin yet beautiful feet. “Are you feeling better?" I greeted her. "Yes, thanks to your ointment." She turned her head to thank me. At this time, I noticed that her face was sprayed with laundry detergent foam, so I reminded, "You have foam on your face." "Huh? Where?" she asked. There was clearly a mirror hanging behind her, but it seemed she didn't see it. "Here." I pointed to the spot where the foam was stuck. "Where?" She reached out and wiped her face, but she still didn't wipe it off. Seeing her charming face so close at hand, I couldn't help raising my hand to help her wipe off the foam. In the whole process, she was just staring at me with no shyness on her face. In the end, I was a little embarrassed and withdrew my hand. In order to avoid embarrassment, I cleared my throat and said, "Well, there is a problem with the washing machine in my house. It needs to be repaired, but he told me to make do with it. Why don't you set the time a little longer, come in and sit for a while." "Oh, OK." She replied lightly. She looked around my house and asked, "Do you live alone?" "Yes." "No girlfriend?" She looked at me and asked lightly, but I seemed to see a touch of expectation in her eyes. So I concealed the fact that my girlfriend was out of town and nodded. I seemed to see a little joy in her eyes, but it was only a guess, because her eyes were too deep for me to see it clearly at all. "Good." She commented softly. "Huh?" I was a little puzzled by her words. "Oh, I mean, the units in this building are very small, so it won't be too crowded if you live in such a big house by yourself." She explained lightly. I had wanted her to sit in the living room for a while. I hadn't expected her to come into my bedroom on her own initiative, and I couldn't stop her. The bedroom was a mess, and dirty clothes were scattered all over the floor. "I didn't clean up the room in the morning." I said in embarrassment. "It's okay. It's what a young man's room should look like." After she finished it very plainly, she bent down naturally to pick up the dirty clothes I left aside, and said, "There should a woman at home anyway." Seeing that she took my panties in her hand, I felt ashamed and quickly said, "I'll take care of it myself." "It's alright, or I'll take it and wash it for you by the way." "Don't bother. I'll do it myself." "I used your washing machine, so I should help you do your laundry." She picked up my underwear and sniffed it, "Haven't these been washed for a long time?" Seeing her sultry behavior, I swallowed and couldn't say anything at all. She naturally went to the bathroom with my dirty clothes. About an hour later, she walked out of the bathroom with a basin of her clothes and then pointed to another basin of my clothes and said, "It's all washed. You can dry it yourself. I'll go first." After sending her away, I smelled the fragrance of washing powder and the scent of her perfume left in the house, and I somehow enjoyed it. I thought of my girlfriend. We had known each other for three years. It had been more than two months since the last time she came to see me, but I hadn't missed her at all. However, I had only known the woman on the third floor for less than three weeks. She had only left for two minutes, and I started missing her. I simply stopped thinking about it, and went to the bathroom to carry the basin of clothes to dry on the balcony. When I took my underwear out of the basin, I felt that it was bulging. When I unfolded it, I found a pair of women's panties inside. It was a black thong, and when I held it in my hand, I couldn't help but have an urge. I took it to the tip of my nose, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was obviously the fragrance of washing powder, but I vaguely felt that it was her body fragrance, and at the same time, I started to imagine how sexy she would look in such a thong. I wanted to return it to her, but when I walked to the door, a thought popped into my mind: how could it be so coincidental that her panties were mixed in with my clothes and it was even wrapped in my underwear? Could it be that she did it on purpose? I had a dream that night where she was wearing the thong. So the next day, I finally decided to start fighting back. I deliberately stopped in the middle of a bath at home, put on a pair of thin shorts and a vest, and ran to knock on her door. The door was opened, revealing her sexy face. Seeing that it was me, she didn't seem very surprised. "Well, halfway through the shower, the shower head at my home was broken. Can I..." Although I made preparations in advance, I still stuttered, worried that she would refuse later. Unexpectedly, before I finished my sentence, she opened the door directly, "Come in." This was the first time I had entered her house. It was a rough house. The floor and walls were simply plastered with cement. There was only a dining table and a few old chairs in the living room, and there was no TV. In comparison, I suddenly feel that the house I lived in was pretty good. "The bathroom is here." She took me to the bathroom, carefully took the body wash and shampoo off the shelf, and put them on a chair, "Go ahead." With that, she backed out and closed the door. I still hadn't recovered from the joy of her agreeing to my request to take a shower, because I thought it meant she was really interested in me. Then when I finished taking a shower, would she just naturally... I took a pink bath towel off the wall. It must be her, so when I scrubbed my body with it, I was still fantasizing about being in close contact with her. Although I knew I was somehow cheating on my girlfriend for thinking like this, I just couldn't control myself. After the shower, I found there was a problem, which was, I couldn't put on clothes when I was wet because I didn't bring a bath towel. After hesitating for a while, I knocked on the bathroom door and shouted, "Hey, are you there?" "Yes." Her voice came from outside the door. "I forgot to bring a bath towel." "We don't have bath towels either. We use foot towels. Can you use my foot towel?" she asked. "Okay." I was happy as long as it was her stuff. It was just that I keenly captured the word "we" in her reply. I was wondering when the door opened, and her hand appeared with a towel in it. It was just an ordinary white towel, but it looked very tempting just because it had the smell of her feet on it. After drying my body with this towel, I got dressed and came out. I found her sitting barefoot on a chair in the living room and looking at her phone. Her legs were curled up, so from my point of view, I could just see her hidden parts. I could vaguely see the outline of her triangular panties inside the white shorts, which made me excited again. She was probably pretending to look at her phone intently. She didn't notice me coming out, and let me look at her and think about it. I felt that I couldn't hold it any longer, and I had the urge to step up and hug her.
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