Just A Sham

1312 Words

Netizens watching the live stream were quick to notice this and erupted in a frenzy. (Mirasol’s injury is a sham!) (Mirasol feigned an injury! It was the right foot when she was with Ivy, the left foot when she was with Fabian, and the right foot again when she was with Vince! Is it because she was sick of limping? HAHAHA!) (Did Mirasol get the part of the depressed little girl? She has an uncanny ability to exaggerate everything!) (This is an adventure show. Mirasol didn’t take part at all and actually slowed the others down. I finally understand why Ivy was so desperate to change her teammate after the first game.) (I’m sorry for thinking Ivy had a bad temper with that fake b***h earlier!) When Ivy returned home after the program, it was already dark outside. Demi and the chauffeu

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