Take My Hand

1379 Words

Ivy appeared surprised. Mirasol simply looked disappointed and desired to accuse Ivy of taking the wrong path. On the other hand, Mirasol chose to remain silent due to Ivy’s identity and the viewers’ high opinion of Ivy. Rather than that, Mirasol consoled Ivy. “Since this is a dead-end, we’d better turn around.” If not for Ivy’s insistence, they would not have come here, and Mirasol would not have twisted her ankle. Ivy regarded the map with a frown. It did not feel right because there was only one path leading to the cave in this direction. How is this a dead end? “If the map is correct, the exit must be in this cave,” Ivy said as she approached the front wall. She took a look around and made a decided the rock. However, no matter how hard she tried, the boulder would not budge.

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