
1683 Words

Leo Morgan hissed and curled his lips. “Perfect timing. I was on my way to meet them.” Ivy tugged on her father’s sleeve, slightly concerned. “Dad, today is our company’s big day, so don’t make a big deal with them. It’s fine if others make fun of them, but it’s not worth it if it hurts us.” “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.” Leo Morgan said. Ivy’s friends, Windy Adams and Agatha Hart, both entered the room at the same time. “Hello, Uncle Leo!” Leo nodded and smiled at them both. “Windy and Agatha, thank you for being Ivy’s best friends. I’ve got a lot of jewelry that you ladies will probably like. Don’t forget to grab a few before you leave!” Windy and Agatha exchanged glances before bowing gratefully. “Many thanks, Uncle Leo!” Leo just smiled as he exited the room. Windy and Agatha the

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