Bullied Her

1047 Words

Wyatt watched Cooper’s car gradually drift away and squinted his eyes darkly. Ivy, a divorced woman, is like a derailed train, which makes people unable to grasp the direction of travel. Ivy even had to be careful and humble talking to him in the past, but now, she could say those unceremonious words without fear at all. Piper, who was raging in anger, wanted to run forward to stop the car, but Wyatt dragged her by the arm and glared at her. “Enough!” he exclaimed. “Wyatt, how could you be like that?” she turned to face Wyatt, “Ivy bullied me. She ruined me because of the necklace. She threw those insane words, and she dared to forget who gave her shelter, food, and clothing for the past three years?” she asked. She gritted her teeth. Wyatt let go of her sister and pinched the bridge

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