
1091 Words

Ivy cast a glance toward Greg, who appeared astonished as well, implying that he was also uninformed of Wyatt Reed’s presence. The two of them exchanged glances. Ivy then entered the room, smiling as she gazed at Liam Saver. “Is this a farce?” she asked it nonchalantly. Liam sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He turned to face Wyatt, then to Ivy. “Miss Ivy, I didn’t have a choice. Please forgive me for being arrogant. Let me state unequivocally that I will stay fair and never intervene in your personal affairs. To convey my heartfelt apologies, I’ll take you to our freshly launched laboratory for research after you’ve finished speaking. I’m sure you’ll be fascinated by it,” Liam asserted. Hmmm… quite good, Ivy thought. Nonetheless, she was irritated that she had been duped. Ivy retre

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