
1076 Words

Ivy picked up the emerald pipe and gazed at it after the personnel on the side gently placed it in front of her. The bottom of the tobacco pipe has a little red mark. So, it’s the actual thing, Ivy pondered. “Thank you,” Ivy thanked the employees. She simply disregarded the two women by the side. Eva couldn’t take it any longer and snorted coldly. “Ivy, do you have any respect left in you?” she arched her brow, “don’t you know how to be nice to your elders?” she asked. How did she treat me at the time? She never treated me properly as her daughter-in-law, and now she expects me to treat her as an elder? Ivy’s eyes dilated. “Oh, Mrs. Reed, you’re here, too,” she said, sarcasm filling her voice, “What a happy coincidence!” she asserted. Eva will die of exhaustion as a result of her rem

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