I Dare Not

1821 Words

Ivy could hear the pleasant and calming sound of music inside the car, which was like a cool trickle of water to her ears. Serenade was her favorite violin piece. Ivy was finally at ease at this point. She yanked at the hem of her garment as if contemplating something. Cooper cast a sidelong glance toward his sister. "Is Simon Albert pursuing you, Ivy?" Cooper could tell immediately that something was wrong with Simon Albert. Ivy's actions came to a halt as she was frightened. "Nope, he's simply having a good time. In a couple of days, he'll be back to normal." Cooper averted his gaze and laughed. "That is excellent. You're not fond of him?" That was peculiar. The Morgans and the Albert' have always enjoyed a cordial connection. Otherwise, they would have prevented Ivy from approachi

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