Kicked Her Out

1228 Words

Seeing Wyatt’s expression, he might kill a person at any moment. His anger Is visible in his eyes. Eric was surprised and didn’t know what he had done wrong. And even his girlfriend was startled. “Wyatt—” “Why don’t you mind your own life, Todd? And don’t talk as if you knew everything. Deal with my personal life, and I will kill you,” Wyatt threatened. Anger lingered in his voice, making Eric’s face turn pale. After that, Wyatt stood up and left. Duke hurriedly chased after him, and he knew why Wyatt was so angry. It is because of Ivy again. Damn it, and they already separated, yet she’s still the reason for Wyatt’s anger. “Your face is so ugly, Wyatt. Chair up—” “It’s cheer, Duke—” “I know. I said it on purpose, and I know you will correct it. So, what’s with the reaction again?”

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