Stream Of Models

1554 Words

Morgan Corporation. Anna Gomez was fired from the corporation a few days later and accused of disclosing trade secrets. The company’s management board investigated Jess Croft’s accounts. They discovered that Jess Croft had sold off three percent of his shares at a premium price a long time ago and that he was really a nominal shareholder who had duped everyone. Ivy was sipping her coffee and just squinted her brows as Greg informed her of the situation. Greg was unable to comprehend Ivy’s ideas. Is she not worried about such a large event? He thought. “Miss Ivy, should I look into whom he sold his shares to?” Jess Crofts’s shares would be in jeopardy if he sold them to a competitor. Ivy let out a short laugh before picking up a document from the side and tossing it on the desk. “My br

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