Can't Bear To Touch You

1502 Words

Wyatt approached the ticket window. His striking good looks quickly became the focal point. The attendant blushed and offered to recommend some romantic comedies to him. He was dissatisfied with it and chose the film with the earliest showing time. He frowned slightly as he noticed the couple next to him holding a large bucket of popcorn and a Coke. Ivy sat on the side, chin propped up on her hand, scrolling through her phone. She was perusing the group chat messages in which Windy and Agatha debated their ski trip location. Ivy desired to contribute, but their eyes would probably pop out of their sockets if they discovered she was out at the movies with Wyatt Reed. A college-aged gentleman approached her with a shy face. “Pardon me, Miss. May I inquire as to your affiliation with th

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