Chapter 33

2713 Words

Axel Pov I woke up in a better mood than I've been in for as long as I could remember. Everything seemed brighter to me, and I could tell Alice and Ulric were surprised by my slightly awkward cheerful good morning to them. Even Grayson was weirded out by me, and I had to try my best to calm my emotions so they didn’t ask me a bunch of questions. I didn’t know what to tell them all, honestly. What would I even say to that? The girl I’m in love with told me she’s got feelings for me as well, and now we’re probably dating even though she's engaged to someone else? I’m pretty sure Alice would flip her lid if I told her that. Ulric, on the other hand, would probably tell me to steal her away. I know I shouldn’t but now that I know she likes me too, I couldn’t stop myself. Colette is my world,

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