Chapter 26

2847 Words

Jade pov     The moment I opened the clasp on the book It felt like I was glowing, but it was just a soft glow coming from the book as the pages started to move without anyone touching them. At first, they were blank, but the more they shifted back and forth the more black ink flowed onto the pages. “Wha…?” I started to ask, confused as the ink formed into unreadable words and shapes; but the moment the pages stopped moving I was able to see it properly. It was like my mind snapped and suddenly I could read these weird words and symbols as if I knew exactly what it was. How was that possible? “What language is this?” I asked Colette. She was the smart one out of the two of us.      “I don’t know what the language is, but I can read it also, we can probably speak it as well. It’s a langua

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