2. I Love You!

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___________________________ . . . || STELLA MARTIN|| . I bit my lip as I watched the trees whiz by. "Why aren't you saying anything?" I almost jumped when I heard him speak up. Anthony had his eyes on the road, and his one hand on top of mine. I looked over at him and smiled. "I am just excited for the surprise." Though it was not the complete truth, it really was part of it. I had been looking forward to this date ever since he asked me to go with him last week. But I was not going to tell him the rest of what was going on in my mind. I mean, how the hell am I supposed to tell my boyfriend of three months that I am freaking out because my darling Joanne had predicted that he was going to propose today. What if he gets the wrong idea that I want him to propose? It will end up freaking him out and I will probably lose my perfect boyfriend. I wanted to marry him. And now that the thought had come into my mind, I would love to have it as soon as possible. But I could not rush him. What if he left me like the rest? Everyone I ever loved has always left me. "Patience is a virtue, my love." He chuckled and looked over at me for a moment and then back on the road. "Did I tell you that you look absolutely stunning today?" "Only about four times in the fifteen minutes we have been in the car." I laughed. He was so sweet. "Let's make it five then." He turned to me. "You look stunning." I tried to suppress the shy smile and failed. And I don't need a look at my face to know that I am blushing a shade darker than my make up. This man made me so happy that I don't know what I would do if we are ever to break up. I looked out the window and realized that we were on the road to the beach. "We are going to the beach?" I asked, my eyes set on the horizon. Anthony simply nodded, smiling. I didn't know we were going to the beach! But... I looked down at the fancy clothes I was wearing. "In these clothes? " I motioned towards my dress and then his tux. I don't think this is the best outfit for a night at the beach. "Why not?" He winked at me. A chuckle escaped my mouth as he turned back to the road, squeezing my hand. This man makes me so so happy. But I wonder how I make him feel. The thing is, when all is said and done, Anthony really is difficult to read. Don't get me wrong - I am not doubting on him like Olivia and thinking that he is acting like a good guy and is actually some kind of a serial killer! That is simply crazy - and something that I had expected from my crazy friend Joanne and not my level headed one, Olivia. But I know she means no harm. Olivia is the Momma bear among the three of us and she just wants all of us to be safe and sound. I have complete faith in Anthony - he waltzed into my life and made it so colorful and happy. But all I want to know is if I have that kind of impact on him as well. I don't want to be a leech sucking on his time and potential. I want to be as important to him as he is to me. Because I know I wouldn't be able to live with the knowledge that I am just another disposable part of his life while he is the world to me. . . . I will be honest - I had envisioned something grand, because that is to be expected from my boyfriend. But I had envisioned a midnight picnic sort of thing. I did not expect in the least what was in front of me right now. A table for two was set on the sand, the wave making its way very close to its feet before it retreated back to the sea, a canopy of white silky cloth, decorated with flowers and fairy lights rested above. A path of rose petals led to the beautiful setting. And it was so so beautiful, more beautiful than I ever imagined it to be. Why would my boyfriend go all out like this? Today is not even a special occasion. Or is it? Am I forgetting something? Damn it, am I the horrible girlfriend who forgets stuff? Now, I can't even ask him. But then again, Olivia keeps track of all the important days and she would have given me a heads up. So maybe I am just overthinking! "Okay, I feel like my outfit is a bit casual for this." I commented as I took his outstretched hand. He let out his angelic laughter, one that can melt hearts and has completely melted mine. UGH.... I love him so much. So so very much. But me being me, the scared, shy fool, I have not told him how I felt about him. I want to. And tonight seems like the perfect time to tell him all that I feel about him. Maybe it will freak him out a bit but that's alright, right? Anthony guided me to the table, pulling out a chair for me. "Thanks." I hummed as I flashed him my smile, one which he returned with a wider one before pressing his lips to mine. He pulled away only to place another peck on my lips again before he moved to his side of the table, sitting down and taking my hands in his. "I-" Before I could tell him how thankful I am for this effort of his, he placed his index finger against my lips. "Shh... No need to thank me or credit me, Stel. I am just giving you everything you rightfully deserve." He smiled. I didn't know my heart could melt any further but this man makes it possible. I smiled at him, nodding, though I did want to tell him how grateful I was and how much I appreciated his efforts a million times. "So let's order, shall we?" He pulled out the menu and I nodded again, smiling, as my eyes fell on the van in the distance with the waiters in their uniform. He had everything planned and set up. Now I felt bad that I never did something like this for him. Maybe I should plan something like this. . . . We talked, ate, talked more. I always thought that the date nights with him were the best nights of my life, but this night took the cake. This was beautiful - the night sea was serene and the quietness was music to my ears. I was with the man that I loved and there was some kind of harmonizing peace between us. This really was so beautiful. So beautiful to the extent that it almost brought tears to my eyes. "May I have this dance?" He asked as he kept his napkin on the now empty plate. "But there's no music." I laughed. Are we going to pretend to be some idiotic high schoolers and dance to complete silence? Not that I would mind. I am so much in love with this man that if he asked me to, I would do that too without question. He chuckled at my statement. "I think we could solve that problem." He snapped his fingers and music started to play from somewhere. I blinked, surprised, and looked up to the source of the music. There were speakers hidden inside the white cloth of the canopy, so well hidden that I had not managed to notice them before. "You came prepared." I laughed. He winked and forwarded his hand to me, which I took. We removed our footwear. We walked out of the small structure and on to the sand. The sand was cool and refreshing to my bare feet. "Tonight is the best date of my life." I said honestly. "I don't know how to thank you for this." "I told you that you don't have to thank me for anything, right?" He said. I nodded smiling; a tear of joy leaking down my one eye - ugh, why does my eyes have to be so treacherous? Antony smiled as he brushed the tear away. "These tears of joy are the only ones I ever want to see coming out of your eyes." He cupped my face with his hands. I felt my heart about to burst with happiness and contentment. I took in a deep breath as I nodded. "I mean if you really appreciate this small effort of mine," I raised a brow as he started to speak. Small? "You could thank me by saying yes." He finished. I scrunched up my nose in confusion, but at the same time, my heart beat quickened as if my body was gearing up for something very exciting. "Huh?" He pulled out a velvet box and went down on his knee. Oh My Freaking God!! "Will you grant me the great honor of being your one and only till death do us apart?" He asked, his voice so sincere and pure that it almost gave me a heart attack. My hand flew to my lips as I choked on my tears of joy. Joanne was right? He proposed? And I am so happy! Happier than I thought I would ever be. It feels like I have waited for this moment my whole life, and I couldn't be happier about the fact that the man who asked me this question is none other than Anthony King, the love of my life. "Babe? You okay?" He quickly stood up. "I know it's sudden and you are overwhelmed and-" "I love you!" I choked out. All worry on his godly face disappeared and was replaced with joy and pride. "I love you more." He got back to his knee with a chuckle. "So, I hope for you to agree to spend the rest of your life with me." I let out a fit of giggle, nodding my head in excitement and then I said, "Only if you pay someone a thousand dollars on my behalf." . . . ___________________________
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