28 - Panic

1054 Words

Asher’s POV. I slammed open the door to my office and stalked in with barely suppressed rage rushing through me. The knife to Dennis’s eye wasn’t enough, he would heal in a few hours anyway, I needed to carve his eyeballs out of his socket while he let out screams that were sure to wake even his dead father. I heard footsteps follow behind me, but I don’t bother to turn around, I still can’t think, I can’t focus on anything beyond the primal bloodlust that keeps urging me to go back in there and finish what I just started. But, there was some rationality beyond the bloodlust, King or not, I couldn’t just go around murdering the people I was no longer getting along with, besides, who’s to say the next bastard who’d take his place won’t be even worse than him? I cursed under my breath an

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