3359 Words

CHAPTER NINEShona’s worst nightmare had come true. Her hands flew to her face. “Oh, no,” she cried in despair. “How could he have found me here?” “Then he is your father?” asked Madame Rivalier. “No, he is my step-father. And he has no right to give me orders. He is trying to force me to marry one of his friends. Oh, Madame, did you tell him I was here?” “Certainly not!” Her hostess was shocked at the suggestion. “He is asking for a Miss Shona Winterton, of whom neither my husband nor I have ever heard. We only know Madame Shona Winters, but we did not feel it necessary to mention her.” “You are such a dear friend,” Shona exclaimed in passionate gratitude. “Does he know anything about me?” the Marquis enquired. “Oh, yes. Someone has told him that Shona is travelling on your boat, bu

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