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CHAPTER FIVEAt last the cab drew to a halt. “This is it,” the driver called. When the Marquis did not move, Shona laid her hand on his arm. He seemed to rouse himself reluctantly from a dream. Together they climbed down into the road and walked slowly towards what was left of the church. It had been a small building, Shona could see, and must once have been very charming. Now it was only a blackened ruin, with just one wall left standing. It was still possible to make out where the pews had been. Parts of them remained, no more than crumbling stumps, facing the crumbling wall, before which the altar must have stood. Shona could not imagine what there was here that the Marquis should take a long journey to see. He seemed to have drifted back to his dream, slowly walking down the aisle

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