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CHAPTER THREE“Oh, don’t go just yet,” Lionel begged. “Keep me company a while longer. I don’t enjoy being alone.” He fetched a glass from a cupboard and filled it from the bottle of wine that had been opened for Shona. He raised it to her in salute, giving her his most delightful smile. She smiled back. He was charming, but she had no intention of yielding. She also felt that he had already drunk more than was good for him. “It is time I was leaving,” she said, rising to her feet. “Oh, don’t go yet,” he pleaded, rising also to block her path. “Stay and keep me company.” “Thank you, no. I wish to retire for the night. His Lordship means to make an early start.” “Ah, but perhaps I can persuade you to change your mind about going.” “And perhaps you can’t. Please let me pass.” “You kn

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