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Hayven's pov I stood still in the room I had shared with Estelle, staring out from the window towards the horizon. There was a very wide billboard ahead and on it was an image of Seraf and Bastiano making a commercial advertisement as usual. What comes with their titles as a Prince is a load of work and responsibilities. They model, go for commercials, train, and study, too. Surprisingly, they both excel in these without any mistakes. Now that I stood still in my bedroom with my luggage all packed up to leave, I started to feel reluctant. Three days have passed without Estelle coming back home. She seemed to have disappeared from the surface of the earth, and to make the situation all worse, I couldn't find Seraf anywhere too. I wouldn't want to think they are both together. No. Somehow, even though I have decided to end things up with Seraf, I couldn't help but get a bit jealous at the thought of him with another lady. I shifted my gaze from the billboard back to my luggage and I sighed. The counselor had heard my cry of distress, and she moved me to another room where she said I would be sharing with a new student who had just been transferred to Shape Shifters College. I couldn't be more relieved and happy. I feel it's all over now. Almost. I have booked an appointment with Doctor Kendrick, who has carried out the pregnancy test on me. He claims he has a tight schedule, so he has fixed our meeting for Saturday, which is four days later. On Saturday I plan to abort the pregnancy. No need to breed Seraf's baby when I am done with him. I reach out for my luggage as I drift back to reality. My traveler's bag and two duffle bags. It wasn't much of a hassle, but when I got out of the room and appeared in the long hallway, it was the girls gossiping outside their rooms that caught my attention. They all went silent immediately after I appeared. I know they'd mock me but I have stopped caring. Gently, I headed to my new room, which is located on the top floor. I was almost at the end of the hall when I heard my name. " Hayven! " I stop abruptly and turn around to see Bastiano walking up to me. His smile was innocent and tender. I return his smile too. I wouldn't deny he has been so nice to me these past three days. We have also been working on our Assignment already and I felt we'd come out with the best results. " Where are you off to? " He asked me in confusion. " I have been moved to another room upstairs. I got a new roommate as well " " Oh, " He laughed. " For a moment there I thought you were leaving SSC " " Why should I love Shape Shifters College when I am almost done? " I asked him with a smile, even though the Truth hurt me. Yeah, I wish I could leave, but I can't. I have come here through a scholarship, which I have studied hard for. My father has been excited about it. He had to work himself off to pay for my upkeep and other necessary things. I won't dare disappoint him by giving up halfway. Bastiano cut into my thoughts by taking my traveler's bag and one duffle bag from me. He then gestured for me to lead the way. It wasn't that far, and when I got to the top, I sighed in relief. The top hall wasn't crowded like the lower one which I am grateful for. I headed towards room 0028 immediately. " Thank you so much, Bastiano. I can take it from here, " I told him when we got to the entrance, and he nodded. After he placed down the bags and straightened up to look at me, I suddenly felt the urge to ask him Seraf's whereabouts, but I was distracted by Kauis's unexpected presence. He is breathing hard when he runs up to us. " I have been searching for you everywhere, Bastiano," He said. " Why are you not picking up your calls? " " I never knew it was mandatory to pick up your call, " Bastiano replied angrily, and I was taken Back. I never know he has that side of him. Seraf has always been the rude one but now, seeing this side of Bastiano makes me wonder. He glanced at me, and when he saw my surprise, he smiled brightly and added to Kauis. " That's a joke. I apologize. I was busy with the assignment Mr Train gave to Hayven and me. Please tell me why you have called " Kauis frowned in confusion, but he replied anyway. " I have tried calling Seraf, but his contact isn't going through. He hasn't been attending classes, either. Do you know where he is? " I suddenly flinch. Kauis as well couldn't reach Seraf. Really? But he is his best friend. I began to worry. Is Seraf safe? " Yes, I know where he is " Bastiano replied, stunning me. " Where is he? " I suddenly asked, unable to endure the suspense. After I asked this question, I received the attention of the two young men who regarded me with surprise. Their eyes felt like a slap to me, and I looked away, wondering why I had asked out loud. " He has been with Estelle for the past three days, Hayven, " Bastaino Replied, shattering my heart. " Do you want a video of them now too? " My heart dropped and I felt stupid. Anger rose again as well and frustration crept into my soul. How could I love someone so much to this extent of being trapped? I lowered my head in embarrassment as I picked up my bags, opened the door, and busted in. I have guessed it and now it's the truth. No wonder Estelle couldn't be found too. She is with Seraf. She is with him. Oh no.
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