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Gibbons Alberta, March 13… The months past one by one and Mike and Chase were inseparable. Sure, Chase was still devoting plenty of her time in school to her studies her life goals still strongly in her sights. Mike, however, used this time too, as always wasting time and get into trouble. Detention was one of his most common haunts. He didn’t mind too much Chase was usually studying in the school library during that time anyway. They took their lunches together sometimes outside on the bleachers so they could watch the football practice or the cheerleaders or whatever sport happened to be in season at the time. They liked to watch and make fun of the jocks and their followers. Mike called it retroactive payback for all the teasing and bullying the jocks did off the field. Chase herself had no problem with this she didn’t like the stuck-up cheerleaders anymore the Mike approver of the football team. One day they were sitting around on the bleachers watching the cheerleading team attempt a pyramid and Mike was vocally taunting them in hopes that they might fall. They were trying to ignore him. He had a personal vendetta against the head cheerleader Jenifer. They had gone out once and while things were hot and heavy on the date the following morning at the school in front of her friends she had snubbed him talking about how his broke ass was beneath her and that she was too good for some poor trashy loser. Then she and her cheerleader girlfriends would wander off laughing at him. “Forget her,” Chase said stuffing her binder back into her book bag, “she’s not worth your time.” “I know that. The part that ticks me off is I can tell she likes me; she wants to hook up.” He grumbled. “Oh, she does?” Chase teased rolling her eyes; she had heard this male ego bullshit for months. “Yes, she does.” He said with a warning tone and a playful smile. “It’s just because her stuck up friends have a problem with my station in life that I can’t get any traction with her.” “Well, then I suggest when you get rich and famous that you come back and rub her nose in it,” Chase suggested. “Damn straight that’s exactly what I’m gonna do,” Mike said lifting his half-empty bottle of pop to his lips. “One day she’s gonna turn on the radio and hear me rocking out. I’ll have a hilltop mansion with six sports cars and a private jet.” He predicted. “Then she’ll regret the way she treated me.” “Is that so and what will you do with all that money?” She asked half mocking him. “Then I’ll take you for a lobster lunch on the coast of France.” He promised with a smile and a nudge knowing how the idea would interest her. “Sipping daiquiris on the patio of an ocean view.” She added with a smile, playing into the fantasy. “Yeah you got it, babe,” he grinned, “and we can go sailing on my yacht,” Mike added. “I’m sure at some point your wife might become jealous of the time we spend together.” Chase made a valid point if he had ever intended on marriage, but since he intended on a life of rock and roll, marriage was more than likely out of the deal. Sure, he’d have a few gold diggers to spend his cash and maybe a couple of playboy bunnies but nothing he’d take seriously so he would be free to continue his friendship with Chase for as long as he liked. Beside, Chase was enough entertainment for him, outside of her Mike could fill his other needs with groupies and hookers. In his six months in Alberta Chase had become Mike’s best friend in this place. He adored everything about her, and she was as good as any one of his buddies back in Ontario. Hell, if not for her obvious physical difference Chase was just another one of the boys. She played a mean guitar, liked the ghastly horror and action flicks; she didn’t care for the chick flicks most girls did. She wasn’t a sissy. Sometimes they took turns trying to gross each other out, and Chase often won when she resorted to a detailed description of her dissection classes. “I suppose she would if I ever intended to get married, but I don’t.” “Never?” “Nope, I’m gonna be a sugar daddy.” He announced proudly. “That way I can just trade them in every other year, as I get older they stay young and hot.” He grinned. Chase laughed. “My God that’s an piggish thing to say.” Mike leaned back on the bleachers resting his elbows on the bench behind them. “And I suppose you want to get married? Become the typical housewife stuck in the kitchen while he does some manual labour job.” “No, but I do want to get married, have lifetime companionship, and become a mother.” Mike shrugged. “Well, then how can you go sailing in the Caribbean with me if you’re tied down to a family and a jealous hubby?” Mike asked shaking his head as if the very idea was unacceptable. “I’m sorry, but you’re just gonna have to reconsider the whole family thing.” He said as if the matter was closed for discussion. The bell rang to signal the end of the lunch hour. They rose to their feet and started to walk towards the school. “Or maybe you will just have to accept that you’ll have to amuse yourself with your bimbos.” She laughed swinging her bag over her shoulders. “It just won’t be the same.” He pouted. “I’m sure you’ll get by,” Chase said rolling her eyes. “What do you have now?” “Chemistry,” she answered, “and you?” “P.E, but I’m ditching, should I double back after last period and pick you up?” Mike asked as they reached the school doors. He reached over and opened the door for her. “No, I have to go home tonight, my family is having some barbeque, and I’m expected to do some cooking and bartending.” She said with a sigh. It would be the first night they hadn’t spent together since the day they met. “Ok then, but if you want I can still give you a ride home. I don’t mind it’s not really out of the way.” “Yeah ok.” *** Mike sat with his back against the cold cement wall with his legs spread out over the bed. He was eating the last of peanut butter spread on salt crackers snack at about eleven o’clock at night while he watched his favourite horror movie Friday the Thirteenth for the millionth time. Suddenly there was a soft rap at his window, and the unexpected sound startled him. Getting up Mike walked over to his desk and looked up squinting his eyes trying to see what was outside his window. He climbed up on top of his desk and opened the window as wide as it would go and found Chase on the other side in the dark. “Can I come in?” She asked quietly. “I would have come to the door but I know it’s late and your grandma would have turned me away.” “Yeah,” Mike said propping the window open he slipped off the desk to give her the room to slip her slight frame through the tiny narrow window. She slid through the window feet first and when her feet found their place on the desk the rest of her followed. She was inside and sitting on his desk when the light from the television lit up her face, and Mike saw something that infuriated him. On the right side of her face, high on the cheekbone, was a large dark bruise that had not been there earlier that day. “What is that?” He snapped coming close and touching her face. “My dad was drunk, and I burned his burger.” She told him flinching when his fingertips brushed the forming bruise. He felt his temper boil, a rage building up in him as he had never known before. Sure, his family had always claimed he had a hot temper and a short fuse, and yes, he could be known to spark a few squabbles, but this was different. This was a maddening blind rage. How dare that son of a b***h lay a hand on her. “I’m gonna kill him.” Mike snarled through clenched teeth and stormed toward the stairs. Chase ran after him tugging on his arm to force him to stop. Luckily his thinner stature was enough for her to pull him back down the few steps he had mounted, and she backed him against the cold cement wall. Her pleading green eyes stared up at him. Her hand planted firmly against his chest to stop him from leaving. “If you go over there ranting like a maniac and throwing punches around you’ll make things worse. He’ll kick your butt for your troubles and take it out on me later anyway.” She explained. “Just leave it be, please.” Mike stared down at her his pulse still like thunder in his ears. He wanted blood, wanted to leave bruises on her no-good father. “You’re not going home tonight.” He said finally deciding to cave to her request that he does not seek retribution. It was not a request, and he knew she realized that when she opened her full mouth to protest then snapped it shut having thought it better to agree than to provoke his temper further. If he was willing to forgo his face to face with her father, than she could at least ease his mind by staying in the safety of his home. “Fine.” She finally said as she walked back toward his designated space and sat on top of the desk. She swung her legs lazily back and forth. “Where do you suggest I stay?” Mike frowned and looked toward the steps. Well he certainly could not take her upstairs and ask his grandmother, she would never understand nor would she try. She simply would never let Chase stay, and he would not let her go home, at least not tonight. He looked around the basement room, there was no couch, and the floor was way too hard and cold to sleep on. That just left the bed. It was small and old, and it would be cramped, but it would have to do. “We’ll have to share the bed.” He shrugged, making the suggestion as if he had just offered her half an apple. She eyed him suspiciously, and he knew what she must be thinking. “Well, the floor is unsuitable so unless one of us can float we’ll have to share.” He explained reaching for the small thin quilt that lay on his bed. “Besides I only got the one blanket.” He could see she was weighing her options, so he stood quietly for the moment allowing her to draw her conclusions. Finally, she nodded in agreement. “I suppose there is no other way. I hope you don’t snore.” She teased trying to lighten the mood. Mike smiled and looked at the movie still running on his tiny television. “Would you like to finish the movie with me before we go to bed?” She didn’t answer she simply slipped off the desk and crawled onto his bed. Chase settled in with her back against the wall. Mike settled in on the bed beside her and pulled the blanket up over their legs. They watched the rest of the movie and even put on another since neither of them was ready for bed after all the excitement. Near the end of the second show, Mike felt Chase’s head rest against his shoulder. He could hear her soft, steady breathing, and he knew she had fallen asleep. Picking up the remote, he turned off the television and gently repositioned Chase, so she lay on her side facing the wall. He looked at the clock and shook his head it was 3:00 am; the alarm was set for seven, but he wasn’t sure he could get up in the morning. He supposed they would have to try. Mike rolled over next to her, it was cramped, and he found himself forced to cuddle up close to Chase. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed his body up against hers so not to fall off the edge of the bed. Chase sighed and squirmed a bit pressing her bottom back against him. Suddenly Mike found himself acutely aware of the fact that Chase was female. It was strange but here in the dark, in his bed, in his arms; suddenly she no longer seemed like one of the guys. Now he realized how insane it was to even compare her firm curved form to that of a shapeless male. She was not hard like guys, she was soft, and her hair smelled incredible, like lavender. How was it that he had never noticed this about her, never realized that his best friend was also an insanely beautiful eighteen-year-old hottie? Mike tensed as he felt his body stir. He frowned again; he should not be having such feelings about her. After all, it was Chase for god’s sakes. She was mouthy and could be so gross. She was as annoying and as rude as any guy. Hell, she was a guy with boobs. She was a hot, sexy, incredible red-haired, athletic, guy with boobs, stunning green eyes, full lips… and dear God he was so hard it hurt. Mike groaned and buried his face into her hair. Why did he have to notice now? It was going to be a long uncomfortable night. *** The buzzer blared startling Chase awake. She was looking at the cement wall and could feel Mike at her back. His arm was draped over her waist, and the full length of his long body was pressed against hers. There was only a little space between her and the wall. The blanket wasn’t very warm, but Mike radiated heat that warmed her body and made her want to snuggle up close. It was oddly comfortable in that tiny bed despite the limited space. She felt Mike move behind her, a groan of annoyance as he rolled over and she heard the alarm clock hit the floor. The annoying buzzing had stopped, and she heard him grumble something about lack of sleep and then his arm was around her waist again. The corners of her lips curved when she felt him snuggle up closer to her and bury his face in her neck to hide his eyes from the light coming through the small windows. A pleasurable shudder fluttered down through her as he unconsciously nuzzled her. She would have never guessed that it felt so good to be held by Mike in such an intimate way. She really shouldn’t feel this way, sure he was cute, and they had so much fun together, but she was not stupid. She knew Mike did not look at her the way he did other girls. Hell, she would be surprised if he even remembered she was a girl half the time. Besides he was so bloody hung up on getting hooked up with that arrogant cheerleader Jenifer, to think twice about her. Her heart leapt into her throat when she heard the basement door open and footsteps on the old wooden steps. Mike must have heard it too because he shot up in bed and jumped to his feet. He ran over to the bottom of the stairs and looked up. He called up to his grandmother, and she scolded him, most likely for sleeping in. She heard the old women leave and the door close. Chase sat up in bed and watched as Mike stumbled back to bed and lay down beside her. “Did I keep you up all night?” She asked in a whisper so that his grandmother upstairs would not hear her. “Yes.” He groaned to himself burying his face into his flat pillow. She frowned. “Do I snore?” She asked feeling a little embarrassed that she had been the cause of his poor night’s sleep. “No.” He said simply. Mike slowly got up and putted around his room fishing through his clothes. He picked up a shirt, sniffed it, and deciding it would do he pulled off his shirt and Chase held her breath. She hadn’t seen him topless before it was oddly stirring. He pulled on the other shirt, and Chase had to look away to stop from blushing. Where was her head today? She had to refocus her mind. Mike turned to face her and then asked. “Would you like a clean shirt or something like that to wear?” He began looking through the clothes on his shelves for something that might fit her. “I doubt any of my jeans would fit and my t-shirts might be a bit baggy on you. Oh, there it is…” He said pulling an old light grey concert t-shirt out from the heap on the shelf. “I’ve had this one for years; it shrunk in the wash a while back, it doesn’t fit me right anymore. It might fit you.” He said offering the shirt to her. Chase took the garment and looked it over it would still be too big, but it would have to do she couldn’t show up at school with bruises and wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday. Mike had turned his back to her to offer her some measure of privacy. She stripped off her top and pulled on his shirt. The fabric even smelled like him even though it had been sitting on a shelf. “You’ll have to go back out the window, so Grandma doesn’t see you. I’ll meet you outside in the car.” He told her as she came up beside him. “Ok,” Chase said climbing up on the desk and reached for the window. It was a little harder climbing up and out than it had been sliding in and down. She couldn’t quite get up there. Suddenly she felt Mike’s hand on her bottom giving her a push up until she managed to squirm outside. Chase crouched low as she moved past the living room window trying not to be seen. She made her way to the Ford in the driveway and got inside. Mike never kept it locked, really in that town there was no reason. Almost nothing ever happened there. Well, nothing interesting at least. It wasn’t long before she saw Mike coming out the front door with two bananas in his hand. She smiled when she saw him and then realized she was grinning like an i***t. So, they slept together, big bloody deal; it was sleep after all. It meant nothing at all. It had only happened because Mike had wanted to protect her. Not for any other reason. What was wrong with her? Suddenly she felt as brainless as those boy-crazed bimbos Mike was always going on about. After all, this was Mike, and he was…well he was Mike. Mike got into the car and handed her one of the bananas. “A little something before class.” He said taking a bite out of his own. He started the car, and they were off to school. She would have to put last night out of her mind after all they were only friends.
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