Chapter 7

1877 Words

Chapter 7 My grandmother wasn't wrong about the food. The Sorensens lived in one of the houses on the lakeshore, hidden away under the trees. As we came up the front walk, I could see the fish house standing right on the rocky shore, a path worn through the crabby grass between it and the side of the house. My grandmother knocked just once then let herself in. I realized I was standing with my mouth hanging open again when I felt that familiar sensation of small insects filling it. One flew straight back to my throat, and I coughed. "Come on," my grandmother said to me. "Don't linger on the front step. It's rude." "Oh, that's rude," I said as I followed her inside, but my sarcasm was lost on her. She bent to undo her laces and step out of her boots, and I slipped off my sneakers, whic

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