Chapter - 16

1716 Words

OLIVIA Ely stood in front of me, his presence igniting a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within me, I fought hard to maintain a composed exterior. My heart ached at the sight of him, the undeniable attraction still lingering between us. But I reminded myself of the countless times my heart had been broken by his actions and the repeated disappointments. Inwardly, I chastised myself for allowing these feelings to resurface, for yearning for a love that was never truly mine to begin with. I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve, and forced myself to stay distant and unaffected. "Ely," I began, my voice steady despite the tumultuous storm raging inside me. "Why are you here? We haven't spoken in weeks, and I thought it was best for us to have some space." His gaze bore into mine, a mi

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