Chapter 69

1059 Words

ELY Living alone in a small cabin nestled deep in the woods felt like a world away from the bustling life of the Crescent Moon Pack. The daily responsibilities of an Alpha King and a CEO were no longer hanging over me like a heavy cloud. Here, the only duties I had were those to myself. The solitude had given me time to reflect on my actions, especially those involving Olivia. I couldn't deny the truth any longer – I had used her as a crutch, a way to numb the pain of losing Talia. I had played with her heart, taken advantage of her love, and it was eating me alive. Sitting by the crackling fireplace, I talked to myself more than I ever had. It was a way to confront my own demons, to unravel the tangled mess I had created. The nights were the hardest; the moon's glow through my window o

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