Chapter 21

1037 Words

OLIVIA Tears trickled down my cheeks, I humbled myself before the celestial presence of the Moon Goddess. Her inquiry struck me like a fierce gust, threatening to engulf me in sorrow. Why would I still aid Ely, the man I cherished, despite enduring countless refusals? The ache of unreciprocated love paled in comparison to the torment of losing him forever. "I... I love him, Moon Goddess," I murmured, endeavoring to maintain composure amidst the heartache. "My feelings for Ely run deeper than any selfish desires. If saving him means bearing this unrequited love till the end of time, then I will carry it with pride. He's not just the man I love, but the Alpha, the CEO, and the protector of his pack and employees." The Moon Goddess listened intently, her eyes seeming to hold the wisdom of

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