Chapter 46

1023 Words

OLIVIA My heart pounded in my chest as shock and anger collided within me, a tumultuous storm of emotions that threatened to engulf me. Seeing Ely standing in my house, his presence both familiar and jarring, had caught me off guard. But I couldn't let that undermine my resolve. This was my space, my sanctuary, and he couldn't just barge in without my permission. "Ely," I began, my voice edged with a firmness I hoped would convey my boundaries. "I know you're my best friend, but you can't just barge inside my house like nothing's wrong. I'm not opposed to you visiting, but you have to ask for my permission. What are you doing here?" My words tumbled out, carrying a mix of frustration and a demand for respect. Ely's expression remained unyielding, his own anger mirroring mine in intensit

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