Chapter 38

979 Words

Watching her I couldn’t help but stare, her long legs looking incredible in my boxers as she didn’t seem to notice my staring. I couldn’t resist, she looked so appealing to me that I couldn’t help but have to move to take a seat at the table as to hide just how excited I was by her appearance. She didn’t look her best that much was clear due to her being unhealthy, but I couldn’t help but imagine what she would look like when she got some meat on her bones and I almost moaned out loud at the thought of it. Incredible. “So do you want to do something today, sweetheart?” I asked her as I leaned my elbows on the table, not taking my eyes off her as she worked away. It wasn’t long until the scent of food filtered into my senses; I almost leapt out of my seat as to see what she was up to. “Li

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