Chapter 33

961 Words

“Feya? Sweetheart?” I asked slightly panicked, watching as she seemed to sway on her feet slightly as she seemed to fade in and out of consciousness. “You’re my mate” was all that passed her lips before she crumbled to the floor, her legs buckling under her weight as I quickly grabbed her around the waist before she hit the ground. I couldn’t help but savour the feeling of her in my arms, well that was before my sanity kicked in and what she had said finally sunk in. All I could think was s**t, she had put two and two together and found out we were mates. Well at least she didn’t flip out I thought, unless you count fainting in that category. But I quickly pushed that aside, calling out for Lisa as I rushed my unconscious to my room as I ordered for the pack doctor to send for her immedia

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