Chapter 26

955 Words

I didn’t reply to his question, not being able to find my voice as I didn’t move from my position on the floor. Well that was until I heard his next words anyway, pain and concern dripping from each and every word making my heart bleed for him. “Feya, sweetheart? She’s gone, please come out” he seemed to beg making my wolf whine in protest, not liking how pained he sounded. It was for that reason why I slowly got up from my seat on the floor, catching my reflection in the mirror and again asking myself why he was being so nice to me. I wasn’t anything special, far from it and he must have better ways to spend his time then to spend it with me. Slowly, cautiously I let my fingers grip the cool mental of the handle before unlocking the door. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath, collecti

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