Chapter 10

979 Words

“She isn’t healthy alpha, far from it. It looks like she has not only been starved but worked to the point of exhaustion, if you hadn’t of found her then she wouldn’t have survived the night” she whispered through glossy eyes, my fist colliding with the wall causing it to break under the force I applied to it. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; someone used my mate and then just tossed her aside like an animal! What the f**k was wrong with some people? Yep, they would definitely pay for ever harming what was MINE! I would be seeing to it personally. “Will she be ok?” I asked, actually fearing the answer. Her heart beat sounded stronger, yet she had yet wake up. To be honest I didn’t know what I was going to say to her when she did, clearly she had been through a lot and while I wanted

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