Chapter 3

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Sighing I got to work, my outfit consisting of what most would consider rags. It was made up of a ratted shirt which looked as if it had been attacked by a dog and a pair of jogging bottoms which had also seen better days. Unfortunately this was one of my better outfits, it was snowing outside and not only had they taken the heating out of my room but due to everyone being out they hadn’t bothered to keep it on for my sake. You must be thinking why did I need it? I mean I should be running hot due to my genes shouldn’t I? The simple reason was again all my energy was going into trying to remain sane and healing myself as quickly as possible, even if it took hours to heal a light bruise and weeks to heal a broken bone when it should have taken an hour at the most. So that was why I was shivering in the pack house, my blanket lying flat out on the floor of my room as I hoped it would dry quick enough so I could use it tonight when I slept. It was unlikely, but I couldn’t help but try and stay positive, even if I had nothing to feel happy about. My chores were basically everyone’s put together, another one of my brothers’ so-called amazing ideas. I had no idea how the pack was going to cope when I was gone; they did nothing for themselves after all. I cooked food for them only to get nothing in return. I cleaned up after them even if I wasn’t my mess. I washed there nice clothes, feeling worthless and cheap as I compared them to my own. Hell, I even have to cut the wood for the fire even though in my weak state my bones were brittle and often left tears running down my cheeks due to my bones shattering lighting in my back, shoulders and arms. It was painful, but compared to the punishment I would get if the job wasn’t done so I had no choice but to suffer through the pain of it. So you see my life was far from perfect, the only thing which I was relieved of was that while I was humiliated, beaten and abused they never pushed it far enough to violate me sexually. They were horrible people, but they weren’t monsters who would stoop as low as to rape a girl…I hoped not anyway. It took me the entire day to finish the exceedingly long list which had been left out for me as usual, by the end of it my vision was blurry and I was minutes from passing out due to exhaustion. I was shaking like a leaf, my body stiff and painful with every movement as I leaned against the wall waiting for them to get home from school, the fact I wasn’t allowed to go meaning while I was good with strategies, with tactics and with finances I wasn’t the smartest person in the world. I had never been to school, remembering when my b***h of a mother had told me when I had asked when I was little. ‘School is for people who actually have a chance in life, I am not going to let you waste your life when you could be obeying your brother and doing the chores since it will be the only thing you will ever be good at’ Yep, happy memories! I never liked my mother though; it was shocking that I wasn’t actually more messed up than I was due to being shown no affection or positive attention in my entire life. Again it was sad when you thought about it, but then again you aren’t the one having to live through it day in and day out so consider yourself lucky and grateful for what is right in front of you – a loving family who will do anything to protect you. It wasn’t long until everyone arrived back at the pack house after school, my head bowed low as I tried to play myself off as being invisible. It was moments likes these I felt the worse, hearing them laughing and seeing them smile with each other. I couldn’t remember the last time I smiled, hell I can’t even remember if I had ever smiled in my life. The thought made me frown, but the action I quickly regretted when it got me the unwanted attention I had tried to avoid. “What are you frowning at freak?” my brother sneered as his hand made contact with the back of my head, the force of the action making my head snap forward and my neck to crack slightly under the strain of his hit. ‘Freak’ was a term I was called often; it didn’t bother me as much as it probably should have. I didn’t reply to his question, my lips firmly shut as I knew the best and safest way to get out of this was to not respond at all. You must be thinking why that didn’t make matters worse, but strangely it didn’t. He liked it when I didn’t respond; I think it gave him a sense of power over me which he craved. He was a bad and useless leader, not to mention both power hungry, lazy and greedy. He may have been only a year older than me, but he acted like a child who couldn’t take no for an answer.
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