Waking Up Shocked

1358 Words

Mikel Diego "Don't believe everything father told you brother. We're dragons and nothing can change that. And as for virgin, I haven't meet with one yet. Am just cruising around the females, you know Aspen has eyes all over me too.." I sighed, "Alright then, have you eaten yet?" I asked, wanting to went in. "No.. Staying out to healed properly. So when will the auctioning of your new mate start?. We still need to perform her ritual and Mark her as your new mate" said Aaron and I replied, "I will let you know, but not tomorrow. Am going inside now. Goodnight brother." "Sure your majesty" Aaron replied to me while I went back inside. As I stepped into the grand hall, I meet Zuri and she looked sad and stared away from me. If Zuri hadn't threatened to burned down Luna I wouldn't had hur

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