Fresh Breeze

1338 Words

Mikel Diego: Just as I stared to the rest of the elders and chiefs in the hall, I spoked to them, "That's all for now, Anything new or recently happening. I will find out the rest from Aaron. Has any festival been done in my absence and mating ceremony, or auctioning, I will find out too. You can all leave now" I dismissed them, as I want to be left alone and soon all the chiefs started leaving, while the agonizing cry of Nana and Abigail was heard, from outside of the royal castle. As in my castle, even as we had the underground dungeon, where defaulters were kept and punished, I still had a strict rule for punishing offenders publicly, so that others could learn from their mistake and it won't repeated. Punishing in private wasn't for me, As I didn't hid anyone sin, that way they woul

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