Dragged Out Bare

1342 Words

Mikel Diego "No!" I pushed Zuri's hand off and stood up from the bed knowing Zuri wouldn't allowed me to slept peacefully. "Why Mikel, so you're now avoiding me now?. You know our tradition and all that's needed for me to birth my baby safely and yet you want me to lose it." I paused and stared to Zuri, Zuri was still hurting and hasn't fully healed as she couldn't brought out fire nor function properly as a full dragon female as I had hurt her and she could only managed to spoke. "Fine, we won't do anything. Just sleep peacefully that's all" I replied to Zuri and walked back my bed and laid beside her to cuddle Zuri and all I could thought off was Luna. Luna soft body, Luna big boobs, all my mind was berserk about Luna, yet I was with Zuri and all throughout the whole night I didn't

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