Mikel's Promise

1338 Words

Mikel Diego: Luna's pregnancy still came as a shock to me as I hadn't thought I was going to got her pregnant soon. Like Zuri and I had marked eachother as mate since 200-years plus now and yet I can't even ascertain if am truly the father of Zuri's baby. Well, I don't even know if am the father of Luna's pregnancy too, but remembering she was pure before I meet her, that kind of gave me hope. "Calm.. down" I said to Luna as I slowly sat back on her bed, while she sobbed and stared downward. Luna was still weak and I knew so well now she was pregnant, she needed to ate much. "Did Abigail knew about this pregnancy and kept it away from me too?" I asked, as my eyes raked over Luna but she stared away from my while I stepped down from her bed. "I don't want to birth dragons" Luna said.

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