Luna's Pregnancy

1349 Words

Luna Lawson Waiting a few more minutes, I was seriously hungry and wanting to ate anything edible. Abigail and June finally rushed into my room, and June gasped also seeing my swollen face, as she immediately took out a herbal bottle from her handbag of herb, and she reached to me to injected something into my hand vein. "What's wrong with me, Ah!?" My voice shuttered as I flinched a little at June touched, but June didn't replied to me as she injected something into my blood stream, soon my body calmed and I was magical able to sat up, as I rushed down from my bed and went to ease myself quickly. I vomited all the leftover meals in my stomach and I washed my face, before I stepped out back to my room, and my yellow eyes was seriously raging in anger to knew what magical herb June had

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