A Sample Kiss

1360 Words
Mikel Diego, I turned to stare back at the pretty woman, and my jaw almost dropped seeing her holding out my bedside drawer. Aaron was right when he told me she was skilled and would be much of a problem if she was going to be sold, as the majority of the humans we had captured were soft and afraid, but she possessed an aura of ruthlessness. "Put the drawer back," I spoke calmly to her as I didn't make any attempt to approach her. I could feel her heart beating loudly in her chest, and even as she pretended to be strong and not afraid, I knew her heart was saying something different. "No!" She exclaimed in a whisper, and I stared back at her as I calmly walked to my wardrobe to pick up my scattered clothes that she had thrown to the floor. "Who are you, and what do you want from me?" She asked me, but I didn't reply. "What do you want from my people, you beast!" She cursed at me, and that was supposed to hit a nerve, but still, I didn't flinch as her voice seemed enchanting and turning me on already. I ignored responding to her as I picked up my clothes and carefully kept them back into my wardrobe, and remembering that I had to be around for her auction as that wouldn't be ignored, I decided to take my bath first. "Can't you speak?" She questioned me, still holding the drawer that she had removed and pointing it at me, but I took off my shirt first as I was dripping sweat all over, with her sweet, seductive voice enticing me as she didn't know the level of effect that she had on me. "What are you trying to do?" She asked me in panic, and I knew she was afraid the more, seeing me stripped. "Stop!" she rushed to attack me, but my reflex was faster, and I caught her small frame and carried her up, and even as she was tall, she wasn't still reaching my shoulder height, showing how tall we dragons were. "You barge into my room, and I should be the one questioning you, not the other way round," I told her, and she fought with me to let go of her. "Put me down, how dare you touch me!" She was breathing afraid, and I knew she was still scared. My robe really didn't cover her huge bosom that I had seen before as they were pretty, standing and attractive, and I wanted to suck on them. Well, I'm the King, and I also knew how to mate, even with humans, but Zuri never allowed me. Zuri was always monitoring me, and if my mother hadn't come to take Zuri away, I'm sure Zuri would have followed me into my bedroom and also caught her in my chamber. "Put me down!" She commanded me with her authoritative voice as she struggled from my strong grip, but I pinned her to the wall instead. "No," I said in a whisper, and I saw her lips parted like she was about to say something, and staring at her lips alone, I felt drawn to kiss her natural pink lips. So alluring and magnetizing me to kiss and suck on them. "What do you mean by no?" She asked me, and I met her golden, sharp eyes, reminding me of her sisters that I had wanted to keep the last one that looked so much like her, but Zuri refused and sold her off behind my back. "Do you want to know why?" I asked her as she met my blue eyes on her, and I saw her shiver. "No," she said and turned away from me, and I calmed and leaned closer to her face, still holding her by the wall. "If you keep shouting, you will attract my mate here, and she won't hesitate to burn you to ashes," I informed her, but she didn't shake afraid. "Hmm," she hummed, and I was still mesmerized by her sharp, golden-colored eyes. So rare to find such beauty that shines like the sun. "So what do you want from me, why am I brought here? I need to leave, and please put me down," she begged. "No," I said. "Why?" She asked me. I continued staring at her pretty, yellow face as I didn't want her to turn away from me. "I am King Mikel Diego. And I will make you my mate tonight," I told her, but still, she didn't react as her eyes only burned harder at me, and I liked them. "What do you mean by mate?" She finally asked me as she met my blue eyes again, and I felt like kissing her instead. "Come, let me show you an example," I carried her up with both hands and dropped her carefully on my bed, as the bedspread covered the clean bed, and she screamed out, "No! Let go of me!" as if she now knew better what I meant. **** Luna Lawson, I was so shocked when his firm, strong hands curved my sexy, curvy waist in a tight grip, and he held me up and slammed me against the wall. I would admit, he was so handsome, and I didn't bargain for this. He spoke to me about mating, and I shivered, and next, he slammed me to his bed to show me an example - no, he wanted to have s*x with me, and his eyes spoke it all. "No, let go of me!" I screamed out as I gripped his long, blonde hair to pull his head away, but instead, he brought his head and face closer to me and sealed his hot lips on mine, kissing me hungrily to the shock of my bones. I froze as our lips met, and I didn't know how my body and brain disagreed with each other, and next, my lips responded to his as my body calmed, like I had been starved for so long at the warm, tantalizing feeling that crept through me. It was a feeling of warmth and pleasure as his lips tasted like honey, and I kissed him back in return while he kissed me so softly. I never knew this was what those silly young ladies were enjoying, but mine was with a dragon man, The dragon king himself. "No!" My brain screamed out, but my body betrayed as the dragon king continued kissing me while his right hand traveled down to touch my breasts, and he loosened his white robe wrapped around me as his lips still didn't separate away from mine. He surely knew how to kiss, and he got my weak point, probably sensing I hadn't been kissed for so long. His lips finally parted from mine, and as I opened my golden eyes and met his blue, sparkling eyes on me, as he was above me. "What just happened?" I managed to ask as I bit on my lower lip to lick the remaining honey taste of his lips on mine, and he smiled, still towering over me. "I only wanted to show you a sample of what I meant by making you my mate," He said, and I felt like pulling him closer and kissing him again, but I became numb and speechless. My plans. My revenge plans... How do I fulfill the plans of killing this handsome man when only one kiss made me lose my mind? I'm confused already, and I laid peacefully on his bed while he sat up, and I saw the dragon tattoo on his back. A white dragon. He was a royal-blooded dragon, and that was a reminder to me. A dragon king, and I'm already paralyzed in love, wondering if I could be able to kill him. No, Luna Lawson, this isn't you! Get up and rip his heart out - that's why you had always wanted to be captured, to release your people and generations unborn. But here I was, laying on his bed like a dummy while I watch him stood up.
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