Hiding In His Wardrobe

1430 Words
Luna Lawson, I stood my ground, not shaking, as the dragon man walked up to meet me, and he stopped right in front of me. I could see my people visibly shaking, afraid of what these dark men wanted to do to me. "Hmm," he hummed as he walked around me, and I didn't shake, afraid, waiting for him to open his mouth and burn me to ashes, as he was a dragon. "Strip!" He commanded, and I froze. "What?" I asked him as I met his red eyes on me, and he stopped in front of me. I could still see the surprised look of disbelief on his other four dragons' faces as they had all shape-shifted to look like us, the humans, and they were surprised to hear I was a woman. "You heard me correctly. Now strip!" He commanded again, and my blood boiled hot as I saw the refusal look on my people's faces. "Don't think I have the time to waste here with you. You actually sliced the throats of two royal dragon-guards. How powerful are you? So I need to confirm if you're truly a female or a male, so I can decide your punishment here and now before taking you to our king." "Hmm," I hummed. "Okay," I agreed, and the dragon-man smiled as I saw his red eyes lit like coals. "Go on," He said as he moved backwards, and I took up the courage to start stripping. Taking off my shield first and warrior garment next, I saw their eyes almost popped out from their sockets as they all became surprised that I was truly a woman. A pretty hot woman at that. I saw the dragon man's eyes burn redder, and he licked his hot lips, seeing how huge and big my bosom were, and he approached me, but I was unshakeable. Even as I was a female with natural endowment, I was still brutal and ruthless, and when he attempted to touch my breast, forgetting I was still holding my sword, I sliced off his hand, making him to scream out, "How dare you?!" But he didn't slap me nor burn me as he waved his other hand to his other four men not to interfere. I was thinking he was going to kill me as I ensured to slice his hand off completely, but to my shock, he picked up his right hand that had fallen off to the ground, from his elbow length, and he fixed it back into his hand, and it magically healed. "I see you're a princess. How interesting that the last princess of Sunfield has been disguising as a man all this while. You cannot kill me, princess. I am the king's brother and am of royal dragon blood, Aaron Diego!" He smirked, and I felt dread run down my spine, but I couldn't speak as I was still in shock at how he knew I was a princess. He walked faster to me and this time, collected my sword forcefully away from me, and he carried me up, not minding I was bare and without clothes, and he took me away while I struggled in his strong shoulder to get off. "Put me down!" I screamed as I finally fell off to the soil, but he transformed and picked me up with his leg, and he flew away with me and the rest of the dragons, taking me away to their dragon king. He said he was the dragon King's brother, and I kept struggling to break off from his tight hold, not minding if I fell off into the river as I saw the large ocean beneath me that he flew past, and I would've preferred to be eaten by sharks instead of a dragon king. Arriving their dragon kingdom, I was amazed that they had houses like us the humans. Beautiful houses and not huts or tents like the few we created for shelter, but towering houses while we were running away. I was captured by night, so before we got to their dragon city, it was already day and sunny, and a lot of those dragons started coming out from their various houses to peer at us. Aaron flew faster than the rest four, and arriving at a towering building, he landed on his feet while I became ashamed as I saw the eyes of all the people gathered and staring at me as I was bare. "Your majesty!" Aaron held a bright smile on his face as I cussed underneath my breath, not having any clothes. I stared at the frontage of the castle, trying to use my hand to cover up my breasts, but it was bigger, and I became utterly embarrassed. I saw a man stepping out from the towering building, and his eyes got fixed on me as our eyes met, and he gulped and stared at a guard with grey hair. The grey-haired man snapped his fingers, and two female dragon women walked out to meet me. I couldn't tell if they were humans or dragons, as the females looked cute and brown-skinned, and they thankfully brought me wrappers, but they weren't smiling as they dragged me away after wrapping me like a bread. I stared back at the male dragon that dripped of authority, as he had golden long hair on his head, and my eyes burned at him, meeting his sharp blue eyes again while I saw Aaron walk up to meet him. "Face where you're going too!" The two strong-armed females commanded me as they dragged me roughly, and I knew escaping from them wouldn't be easy. I was hoping to see my sisters, and my mind ran in variant thoughts, what did they use my elder sisters to do? What did they want from me, and where were they taking me? They followed another side of the mansion and took me upstairs, and I was thinking they were taking me to the dungeon or prison house, but instead, they took me upstairs along with them as we climbed the flight of stairs, and my mind got confused about what they really wanted to use me for. Did they want to cook me, "No!" I screamed. "Let me go!" I fought with the two strong females, surprising them as I stepped hard on them harder and somersaulted backwards, not minding if my wrapper loosened or not, I wasn't ready to be cooked yet. "What has come over you, do you think you can escape from us or we are humans?!" They cursed after me as I ran away while they chased after me, and I ran through another door, not minding the side of the mansion I had gone into. I needed to hide from them, and escaping from the towering building was my only solution. Luckily for me, there weren't many guards in the house, and I wondered who the grey-haired man and the golden-haired man were. Which among them was the dragon king? All that didn't matter as hiding was the only thing I needed to do to finally plan my escape, and as I approached a door, I quickly pushed it open and went in, and I stared in horror at the beautiful golden bedroom I had just stepped into. These dragons were rich, how come? I froze as I stared at the king-sized bed. That wasn't wood but gold, everywhere in the mansion exudes of gold, and I assumed it was probably the golden-haired man's bedroom that I had stepped into. "s**t!" I cussed out, and I immediately heard footsteps from behind me. Not knowing what to do, I ran into his wardrobe, hid into the large wardrobe, ensuring the clothes would cover me up as I needed an explanation of how these dragons were rich and had so much wealth with them, while we were poor and hiding in the shadows. "Your majesty!" I heard the two females run up to meet the footsteps that stopped, as I recognized their voices. "What is it?" He replied to them, but I froze as his voice made me shiver inside the wardrobe. "Your majesty, the new female had run away, and she's hiding somewhere around here." "Hmm," I heard him hum, and next, silence, and later, I heard the room door shut. I didn't know if he left or if he was still around there as I couldn't see out through the wardrobe door, but I was sweating, and I kept wondering what was going on between them.
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