Silence is Key

Silence is Key


Khaleesi. A popular girl who seems to have a great life. But behind closed doors her father well adopted father drinks. A lot. That he went from being kind to an abusive man to both her and his wife. Khaleesi then has these dreams about this man who resembles her father but the pain he in flicks on her while she’s asleep, becomes real.

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Silence is Key
This is a story about a girl named Khaleesi. She had great friends,had a boyfriend and was popular. But one thing she always hid, was her demons. Her parents died when she was very young and was put into foster care. She was then adopted by a couple and they loved her. Well...for a while. The father became abusive towards her and the his wife. It started when he got fired. He began to drink until it became an everyday thing. That he would hurt her and his wife. Khaleesi didn’t say anything to anyone about it. Because she thought that’s how family’s were since she never had one. Also she knew if she did, her father would kill her. She would constantly come to school with bruises on her body from her father but she wouldn’t say anything about them and just came up with something. “I bruise easily.” One excuse was. “I bumped into something.” Another was. She wanted people to stop questioning her as she walks through the halls so she started wearing her boyfriends jacket covering the bruises all the time so no one would notice. Her boyfriend did though. “I want to punch him in the neck.” Said John. “Stop saying that.” Khaleesi replies loudly. John pleads, “He shouldn’t be treating you this way. You are a beautiful girl and you shouldn’t be in fear.” Khaleesi thinks for a moment. Thinking what her father would do if he knew that John felt that way. “Don’t worry about him, you are important to me and that’s all I need.” John sighs, “Whatever, I’ll text u after school.” John brings Khaleesi in for a tight embrace and kisses her forehead. “See ya.” He lets go and leaves. She then comes home and is greeted by her father. Freshly drunk. “Why are you late?” He asks with a rude look. “I’m sorry dad,the bus was late cause of tr-“ Her dad cuts her off. “Did I ask for an explanation?!” He yelled. “Kinda. You asked a question.” She replies shaking in fear. “And who said you could call me dad,you call me by my last name like a lady. U understand me?!” He says walking towards her slowly and grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry Mr. Lycan.” She says through the pain. Letting it out slowly between her teeth. “No! This isn’t the first time!” He screams. He begins to hit to the point she starts to cry. Yelling at her through it. Her mom then comes in and watches it happen. She’s wants to help but is scared to do something. At least she was, today she’s had enough. “Derick stop!” She yells. He pauses in in the middle of hitting her and turns to his wife. “What did u say to me?” He pushes Khaleesi down and walks towards her as she backs away. He raises his fist “What did you say to me?!” He grabs her arms and wrestles her to the ground and hits her in the face. She then screams. “Fine! Hit me! But leave our daughter alone! She doesn’t deserve this!” He leans onto of her on the floor. “She’s my daughter, I can treat her how I wish.” As he stands up and walks back he turns to see Khaleesi crying. He then slaps her in the face which he’s never done and demands respect. “You last warning Khaleesi. You do it again. Your done.” He then leaves the house and chugs a beer. She helps her mother up and takes her to her room. After she makes sure her moms ok and asleep. She goes to her own room and cries herself to sleep. When she sleeps, she only lucid dreams. But it was not like any other time. She sees a man. He’s tall with red eyes and has a deep voice. She can’t make out the rest of him though. It’s as if he was a black shadow. He tells her stuff that her father tells her and hurts her. But when he does she actually feels it. Because she lucid dreams she thought that’s why but the pain felt to real for comfort. She try’s to wake up and she can’t. She struggles and the more she does the more pain she feels. She finally wakes up and she’s bleeding. She runs to clean it up and locks the bathroom door but then her father hears her and bangs on the door. She asks him nicely to leave that she’s hurt but he won’t budge. She then screams. “Mr. Lycan plz! I just need a minute. I don’t want to die plz.” She cry’s. Hoping everything, all the pain. Will just stop. He then pauses. Thinks. Then kicks the door and leaves. She breaths patting her arm with a wet cloth. She wraps it up and goes back to her room. She lies awake the rest of the night starring at the ceiling. Listening to the silence. She’s was tired the whole next day at school. This continued for three whole days. She can’t focus on anything because she can’t stop thinking about that man. Her boyfriend sees her arm and freaks out. “That’s it. I’m going to the cops, I can’t take this anymore!” John screams. “John calm down, he didn’t do this.” Khaleesi says graving him by the shoulder. “No!” He pulls away. “Stop sticking up for him! Look at you, you honestly still love him?!” He pleads with her. “John. Calm down. He didn’t do this, a man did in my nightmare!” Khaleesi replies. John rolls his eyes. “Stop Khaleesi! You need to be safe and-” Khaleesi cuts him off. “No I’m serious! I don’t know what happened but he sounded like my father. She shouts, “But I didn’t see him.” Khaleesi then whispers. She explains everything to him and he gets upset and hugs her tight as she tears up. “It’s bad enough that u have the worse father in the world. The last thing u need is that.” John says holding her. “I will be fine. I have you.” Khaleesi says wiping away a tear. “But you won’t let me help you.” John replies. “Cause I don’t want you to get hurt. I love you to much.” says Khaleesi. “With this I can.” John says standing up. They then decided to make a plan. Since Khaleesi didn’t want to get even more beat by her father. While there asleep she sneaks him in through her window and he watches her while she sleeps. That way if anything were to happen, he would be there. That night he comes, knocks on her window and she brings him inside. She then falls asleep and she sees him again. “Hey Khaleesi.” says the man. She trying to say something but can’t talk. Her mouth moves but no words would come out. “Oh yeah. You have no will here so you can’t say a word.” The man says with a smile. “Silence is key here. I’m the only thing that matters. Your nothing but just an object.” The man replies. He jumps at her and begins torturing her. She begins to scream with no sound. She is in real life to but still. No sound. Her boyfriend doesn’t notice her in pain because he fell sleep and he’s fell into his own void. However, he sees the man to. “Hello John.” says the same man. He try’s to talk and he can’t ether. “Yes. You can’t talk as well.” He pauses. “You see, you and your petty girlfriend are in a void. And here I can control you by your darkest fears. Which is why I’m just a black figure. I can mold into whatever I need to be to hurt you. To her it’s her father and to you that’s...” It goes quiet and then the thought he woke up. But he didn’t. He then opens the bedroom door to find he is still asleep as it opens straight into her living room. He then sees her parents. She’s tied up and her father is beating her mother. As he goes to un tie her, Derick walks over and forces him to leave and says if he doesn’t then he will make one cut on her for every minute he says. Part of him things about leaving to not make it worse. But as he looks at her he can’t bring himself to leave her and begins to cry, making threats to try and help her. After five cuts he leaves. However when he does, he finds himself back to where he started. And it repeats over and over as he’s helpless to her. That’s his darkest fear. They both finally wake up and Khaleesi looks at her arms. She sees the same four cuts she had in his void. “The man didn’t do this to me where I was.” She looks at him. “No. But he did in mine.” John looks down. Upset that he caused that. If he hadn’t of fallen asleep the man wouldn’t of come to him. Before Khaleesi can speak, she then passes out from the pain and blood and John runs over to her. She won’t wake up. To prevent the man from returning and her death. He picks her up and runs her to the hospital. She’s been asleep since he got her there and after days in the Er, she finally woke up. He was the first thing she saw. “Oh my god, your alive! Oh thank god!” He says as he squeezes her hand. “Are you ok?” she mouths. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not like you. You need to be ok.” John says as he kisses her. He then explains what happened to him in his nightmare and as she try’s to explain hers she can’t. She can’t talk. “Khaleesi?” John asks. She try’s to talk and scream and she can’t no matter how hard she try’s. John then explains what he was told by the man in the void about silence and they both gave a look. She waved her hand for him to come closer to the point his ear was an inch from her lips. She was only able to say one thing. “Silence is key...” After that she passed out and flat lines. “No...No No No!!!! Khaleesi wake up!” Doctors rush in and try to revive her. They move him away to get to her and he abides. He then begins to cry and try’s to scream but can’t. After that he passes out. They then wake up in the void but don’t know at first. They try to talk to each other but can’t and can barely understand each other. Just then. They see the man. “Ahhhhh... You two again. That was to much fun.” The man says rubbing his hand together. They scream a bunch of things to him and he explains what he knows they want. “My name is Vinny. I take care of the people that interfere with my kind. Airgo, your father.” She try’s to go at him but John holds her back cause he doesn’t want her more hurt. “Oh come on. You think you can hurt a demon. Ha! Good luck.” Vinny says laughing. They then look at each other and notice that their mouths are gone. They touch each other to see if they are seeing things and their not. Their mouths are gone. Vinny begins laughing, “fools. Did you forget what I told you?” Vinny then grabs them both and tortures them till his hearts content. And now that their mouth’s are gone they can’t scream nor plead. They just internally cry. Years past of torture. They are stuck with the demon. They are broken, bruised and cut up. Every night it stops and they lay on the dark floor to cry until the next day and it happens all over again. They hold hands and drift away further into the void to escape him but they never can and they never will. But they learn. Silence is key. The End

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