{†Sobek Nileborn†} I spun the lighter in my hands, flicking it open and then closing it. The flames touched my fingertips. The flicks of pain shooting through my veins made me feel a sense of ease. I feel dizzy, I need to lie down and relax for a moment but I was asked to stand for the next thirty minutes so Father could confirm if his altercations worked. There are two types of pain that I feel. And this one is worse. The pain I inflict on myself helps my brain relax, it helps me avoid the voices. Almost like I'm pleasing them because the pain comes from my bare hands. But when it comes to my father's type of pain…. It simply hurts. Every time I feel like I'm losing more and more of myself. My bear is raging. It wants to get out. Every change made affects it. I can't really fig