Chapter 3

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The school day dragged on as usual. Amaris and Anna day dreamed back and forth all day about what it would be like to goto a party at the mountain home of one of their rich class mates. Amaris and Anna had all their classes together except for their last two of the day. So Amaris went to earth science and gym by herself. She didn’t mind that much. Mr. Bruce, who taught earth science, loved the moon as much as she did and was always keen to have little discussions with her before class about it. Mr. Bruce was a tall man in his mid 20’s with dark brown hair flecked with gray and graying around the temples. He had a heavy five o’clock shadow and twinkling light blue eyes. His overall appearance looked like someone that you would not want to mess with except for the eyes, they were always kindly. He always wore a button down shirt that fit tightly to his muscled body, and an open collar. His size made him intimidating. He definitely had many of the teenage girls in the school signing up for his classes. Today she entered Mr. Bruce’s class room and he wasn’t there. She took her usual seat at the black two person bench in the front of the class and waited while her classmates filed in. Amaris pulled out the homework assignment that was due that day and placed it on the desk in anticipation of Mr. Bruce collecting it at the beginning of class as he always did. The bell rang and still no Mr. Bruce. One of the other kids got out of their seat to take a look outside the classroom door. He quickly closed the door and ran to his seat while exclaiming “He’s coming! He’s running down the hallway. “. Mr. Bruce entered the class out of breath with his eyes searching wildly. They finally fell on Amaris and he seemed to relax. Mr. Bruce started class as usual with a small apology for his tardiness. Things went on as normal. At the end of class, Mr. Bruce called Amaris aside and waited until the rest of the class had left. “Where is your next class?’ Mr. Bruce asked. I’m heading to gym next.” “ I’m heading to the office . I’ll walk with you.” Mr. Bruce followed her out of the classroom. They walked side by side down the hall towards the front of the school. “Amaris, First, Happy Birthday! And, Second, I know this is none of my business but, you aren’t planning on going to the party that is up on the mountain tonight are you?” Amaris was taken aback. How would he know about the party at Jack’s? “Well, I did get an invitation, but I told Anna that Grandma Beth and Grover would expect me home for a special birthday dinner tonight. They like to do their own little party. And Gran likes to make a big deal out of 17 apparently.” Mr. Bruce seemed to study her for a moment and then said “Ok sounds like Gran has the right idea. Stay clear of the mountain top. Its not an ideal place for you.” Amaris nodded her consent with a confused look. Amaris broke off toward the gym door to the girls locker rooms. She could not understand why Mr.Bruce suddenly had an interest in her life outside school. Usually their conversations stayed on school and the moon. Amaris went to her assigned locker in the girls locker room, and began opening the padlock on the door. Several other girls in her class had already gotten their lockers open and were changing into the school gym uniform. The tall blonde girl to her left turned to the rest of the group in the room and said “Does anyone know what we are doing today?” Two of the other girls answer back that they were going outside for kickball. Amaris liked kickball, although some of the boys in her class were a bit overly competitive when they played in the fall. “Happy Birthday Mar!” Says the tall blonde girl next to Amaris. Her name was Heather and she was a happy go lucky team mate of Amaris’ from basketball. Heather was on Amaris’ basketball teams all the way from the time they were in first grade. Heather and Amaris had spent time doing shooting drills, and practicing dribbling, blocking, and coming up with plays every winter. They had been friends for years. “Thanks Heather!” “Are you doing anything special for your birthday? It is 17 after all.” Inquired Heather with a warm smile. It highlighted her golden brown eyes. “ Gran and Grover are planning a special celebration dinner. They love cooking up my favorite dinner, roast lamb and potatoes, and of course Gran’s famous Double Chocolate Cake.” “Mmmmmm! I love her cake! If I were you I would have my birthday once a week just so she would make me cake!” Heather laughs with a dreamy look as she licks her lips. “ I will save you a piece. It’s just the three of us. We usually have cake left for days. Gran makes a huge one.” Amaris promises with a laugh. The girls change and head out together to the gym where Mr. Clark and Mrs. Bass bring the group out to the baseball field where they begin to split the students into two teams. Mr. Clark ran a very comprehensive and unusual gym class compared to most. He taught everything from basketball and baseball to cross country skiing and rock climbing, but everyone’s favorite by far was the ropes course and trail hiking. Amaris and Heather are both picked for the same team and donned pinnies. Their team heads out to the field first while the other team decides the kicking order and lines up. Mr. Clark goes to the pitching mound and Mrs. Bass lines up at the plate as the umpire. Kyle Jess, a senior, comes up to the plate first as Amaris takes the short stop position and Heather takes third base. Mr. Clark rolls out the first pitch and Kyle runs up to meet the ball. Everyone on and off the field was paying attention to the action when out of the corner of her eye, Amaris caught sight of something bright red. She turned her head and took her eye off the action to see the same group of people that she saw in the office earlier. It was the lady in the red dress and the group of men in black suits following behind her. They all walked straight at the field with purpose. At that moment Amaris heard Heather yell her name. She turned in time to get hit square in the face with the ball. Her quick reflexes kicked in and she managed to catch the ball and throw it at Kyle hitting him just before he made it to first base. All the players on the field let out cheers and Heather ran over for a high five. “Nice recovery! Are you okay?” “I’m fine” Amaris laughed. “That will teach me to not pay attention.” Heather looked over her shoulder at the group heading their direction. “Who are those guys?” Amaris shrugged. “Don’t know. I did see them in the office this morning arguing with the secretary.” Heather started to walk back to her position at third base as the next person came up to the plate. The approaching group reached the field at that moment. Heather and Amaris turned to face the group that had walked up to the side of the benches at the side of the field. The woman in red, who was staring straight at Amaris, said “You. Girl. Come with us. Now!” Heather turned to look at Amaris with a questioning look on her face. Mr. Clark walked off the mound and put himself between the girls and the group of new comers. Mrs. Bass stood up and walked toward the group as well. “Can we help you?” Mr. Clark asked as he faced off with the lady in red. She had black hair pulled back in a tight chignon and dark brown eyes. She had the same olive colored skin that Amaris had. She also had a short stature, but had a very strong bone structure that could almost be described as severe. Her red dress was tight fitting but she looked very well put together with not a single hair out of place. “ I am here to take Amaris home.” Said the lady in red as she looked at Mr. Clark for the first time having torn her eyes off Amaris at last. “You will need to clear that through the main office. It is at the front of the school.” Mr. Clark said as he point back in the direction of the school. The woman in the red dress huffed and folded her arms across her chest “I have no more patience for this.” and pointed two fingers at two of the men and then motioned them to Amaris. Instantly the two men she had pointed to started moving forward. “Come with us miss and no one will be hurt.” Heather turned to Amaris “Are these guys serious? Amaris is this some sort of prank? This sounds like something out of a bad action movie.” Amaris was frozen. As the hulking men walked closer she backed up a step. Turning to Amaris, Mr.Clark asks “Do you know these people Amaris?” She shook her head no as she backed up another step. Heather then took a step to the side blocking Amaris. As one of the two men attempted to pass by him, Mr Clark reached out his hand and grabbed hold of the man’s arm in an attempt to restrain him. In a lightning fast move the man twisted his arm and grabbed Mr. Clark’s arm in return and yanked it around and backwards quickly until there was a sickening crunch. Mr. Clark screamed in pain and dropped to his knees and fell sideways. His arm was hanging at an odd angle. Mrs. Bass had her cell phone out and was dialing the police. The second man that was in motion did not waste time. Without hesitation he drew out a gun from under his jacket and fired. The cell phone slipped every so slowly from Mrs. Bass’s hand and she fell behind it. That was when the students in the class started to scream and run in different directions. It was utter chaos. In the middle of the unrest, Heather turned around to face Amaris and told her to run into the woods behind the ball field. There was an opening in the back of center field for players to use to go out and retrieve lost balls and so the ground maintenance crew could easily pass through. Amaris turned and ran. She thought Heather would be right behind her but then she heard her voice telling someone to leave her alone. Amaris looked back and saw the first suited man grappling with Heather and Heather suddenly fell to a heap on the ground. The first man yanked his arm back to reveal a knife in his hand with blood on it. Amaris tripped and fell to all fours, and looked back yelling Heathers’ name and reached her hand out to her as if she could grasp the girl and bring her to safety. The two men in suits kept coming. Most of the students had fled out of their way now and were now entering the school or the parking lot that was close by. Amaris stumbled back to her feet and began running as fast as she could toward the trees. She made it to the back fence when something grabbed her t-shirt. She kept moving, her momentum ripping the shirt right off her body and exposing her sports bra underneath. With a scream she jolted forward and ran faster. She knew these woods well and not that far in they were very over grown with under brush. If she could get far enough there were plenty of places to hide, and many ways that she could take that would slow her pursuers. If she could make it to the river she could cross and take out the rope bridge so that they couldn’t follow. She ran through the over growth springing like a deer over the fallen trees and bushes. All of the men that had been standing with the woman in red on the field were now chasing her. They were all tall and heavily muscled men, which Amaris thought would slow them down, but to her amazement they kept up with her. Amaris was now terrified and confused. What in the world could she have done to have these people come after her. She had no time to think about that now, she had to get a little more of a lead on the men before she got to the river or she would not have enough time to take out the bridge. Amaris knew that there were a few places that she could get ahead of them and maybe out of sight for a little while. She headed toward the large rock outcropping that had the rope swing across to the next set of rocks. The ropes were usually left dangling and had catch ropes to pull it to one side or the other. As she approached the top of the rock she yanked up the loop of the catch rope off the post and began pulling the rope swing to her. As soon as the rope touched her hands she stepped back and grabbed on with both hands as tight as she could. She swung across and landed on the top of the next outcropping of rocks. She turned around as soon as her feet hit the stone and quickly pulled up both the end of the swing rope and the catch rope, so that the men standing on the other side could not follow her. They would have to go back down the rocks and back track to where the trail winds down to the path that leads to the base of the two rock formations and then climb the far hill of rocks. This would take them at least an extra 2 or 3 minutes and give Amaris the precious time she needed to get across the bridge and take it down before they could get across.
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