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ATHENA POV. When I entered the hall again, it fell silent as all eyes turned to me. thankfully some of the other teachers have already returned to their rooms and it was just the members of my pack and Julia who were still there. My grandfather eyed me cautiously as I walked in, but I avoided his gaze. I understood his point on how he saw things, but it still hurt. My grandmother came forward and took me by the arm. “We were just getting ready to leave.” she said, breaking the tension in the room. “Your grandfather and I have decided to leave the twins at the school. The rest of us will go back, but we will come and check up every so often.” She said and my gazed turned to Donavan’s sour one. I smirked as I knew that he wanted to stay behind too, probably for the chance to harass me, but I knew that my grandmother would have talked grand out of it for my sake. She turns to the twins. You two behave yourselves, don't let me send your mother in after you." She says with a playful and knowing smirk and the twins return it. The twin’s eyes glint with mischief making me grin. 'This is going to be interesting' I muse to myself. 'The twins can be quite mischievous when they want to be. “Indeed.” My grandfather said and glared at the twins. “Any trouble and you are on the first warning home.” He said and the twins bowed their head to their alpha. My alpha grandfather turned towards Julia. “Like I said, the Wood twins are more than capable to provide you with extra security, but in the event that something should happen we will send more to help safeguard your school if necessary.” He spoke. “Thank you, alpha Storm. I am sure that they will, and I am grateful for it.” She replied and bowed her head in respect. “It would be better if I could stay as well.” Donavan grumbled under his breath just as my grandfather turned to leave with my grandmother and he turned to glare at him, making him bow his head in submission. “My decision is final, Donavan. You will be better suited to guard the pack.” He said and looked at my grandmother. She must have given him the idea to have him rather guard the pack than here. Donavan might be an ass, but he knew how to fight. Donavan nodded his head, giving me a final glare before he left to wait outside. My grandfather sighed, before looking at me. “Let us know if you have gotten any new information.” He spoke and I nodded. Not trusting my voice to talk to him just yet. My emotions were still all over the place, and I didn’t want to cause a scene like earlier today. I watched as my grandparents left while Julia accompanied them. To see them off. I turned to the twins, and they were both grinning at me. “So, what’s there to do around here?” They asked together and I rolled my eyes at them and grinned back. LYNN POV. “You can’t seriously be thinking of getting involved?” Hunter asked me. I could sense that he was getting angry, and I understood why. “I understand why you wanted to check up on the manor and on Catheryn, who by the way has escaped with Vex’s help, so don’t you think that that is exactly the reason we should stay hidden, Lynn?” He asked me. “I know, Hunter. It’s just…” I spoke but he cut me off angrily. “Just what Lynn? We did our part. Unbeknownst to them, we were the one to tip them off on where he was going to be, and we were the ones that managed to contain him in that house when Athena and Julia Castor set him ablaze. If it weren’t for us, he would have escaped.” He said and I looked away from him. What he said was true, but I couldn’t turn my back on my sister. Even if she and the others have. I just couldn’t. “Dammit woman, think about what you are doing.” He chastised. “Think about our son. He is so young and needs you… and what about Colt? Do you really want to walk Straight back into that life? To expose Colton to the horrors of where he came from? How it came for him to be in this world?” He asked and my eyes snapped to Hunter as I felt anger well up in my chest. “DON’T.” I said warningly as tears filled my eyes at the memory of fourteen years ago. He knew he stepped on a thin line, but I could also see that he was desperate to lay down the facts to what will happen and what secrets will be unearthed if I decide to go through with this. “Do you really want to leave it to chance for our boys to grow up with out their mother?” He spoke as he stepped closer to me and took me by the shoulders gently. “Because I don’t. I don’t want to lose you. Ever.” He spoke and my tears fell. I bent my head down and he pulled me to his chest. I understood why he was so protective. We found each other exactly at the time we needed each other most. *FLASHBACK Nine years ago, shortly after we met, we banned together to put a stop to Vex because Hunter wanted to get out of the dark trade. It worked out so well. I couldn’t show my face in either of the sides without being hunted for the bounty and when I ran into Hunter, something clicked, even though we were going at each other’s throats and beating the s**t out of each other in a fight at the time, but when Hunter saw the situation, I was in, he called a halt to the fight when he managed to get me on my back. He managed to overpower me because I was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Colton was sick and had a fever that refused to go down, so I was up with him for days and when he finally showed signs of getting better, Hunter showed up. I never stayed in one place for more that three days, but with Colton that took ill, I had to stay longer than usual and with Hunter being a bounty Hunter who has been tracking me for a while, he managed to catch up to me. I still remember the way his eyes widened in surprise when he had me pinned down on the hardwood floor of one of those cheap motels and he suddenly got rushed by a four year old Colton, still sweaty from his fever and weak, but instead of Hunter brutally pushing my boy off of him, he released me so quick that the movement startled me and took my boy into his arms when it looked like Colton was about to pass out. “Pwees, don hurt my mommy.” Colton uttered weakly as he lost his strength and just laid in Hunter’s arms. I will never forget the look on Hunter’s face as he stared at the boy in his arms. Till today I still can’t decipher what flashed in Hunter’s eyes but the moment he took my boy into his arms, was the day that everything changed. I was heaving heavily, unsure what to do seeing as he had me pinned down to the floor as he straddled my waist with Colton in his arms. We made eye contact for what felt like a long time before he got off me, slowly as to not disturb the boy in his arms and walked backwards towards the double bed that took up a great deal of the dingy motel. I watched him like a hawk as I got up from the floor and to my surprise, again, he put my son into bed and felt his temperature before pulling the blankets over him. He stared at Colton who was sleeping deeply now, then to me as I still stared at him like a hawk. He sighed and closed his eyes briefly before he spoke to me. He told me that I can either run or help him and after some thought and weighing my option, I chose the latter. *FLASHBACK END “You’re still going to do this, aren’t you?” He spoke. His voice gathered myself out of my thoughts and I looked up at him. I could see the worry in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Hunter.” I said as fresh tears built up in my eyes and he looked away from me as he let go and stepped away. “I will never forgive myself if anything happens to Athena and there was a chance that I could have helped.” I spoke and put his hands onto his hips as he clenched his jaw tightly. “Hunter?” I called and it was another moment before he turned to look at me again. “Fine, but if you are going to do this then I am doing this with you.” He spoke. I didn’t know if I should feel grateful or not, but I felt a little better that he was willing to stand by my side none the less.
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