1517 Words

COLTON POV. I didn’t even hear the woman enter the room, but that was not what shocked me. She was the spitting image of my mother; except she didn’t have a scar over her left eye. This must be Athena. My mother’s sister. My mother told me once, a long time ago that she had a twin, but she looked so sad to talk about her that I never asked about it again. I slowly dropped my arm to my side as my aunt walk closer to us. Her eyes were trained on me, and she looked at me somewhat in awe before her eyes dropped to my mother’s pale face and her eyes became watery. She held her hands in front of her mouth as she tried to get her emotions in check before she cleared her throat and looked at the nurse. “Please, take what you need. Save her Marina, please.” My aunt begged and Marina looked at Juli

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