Chapter 2. Mr. Black saw me!!!

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Cia I woke up before my phone alarm went off this morning as I could never sleep properly at night. For a long time I kept tossing and turning on the bed due to the image of my hard earned money being taken, passing through my mind. Perhaps that small amount of money would be a minor thing for anyone else, but for me it was a lot of money. My phone alarm sounded and I shut off. I lay in bed for about five minutes before I made my way out of my room and out onto the balcony. Closing my eyes, I took a long deep breath and felt the chilly breeze. These winds were enough to rejuvenate my mind and help me to think clearly. Bringing a smile back to my face, I decided to make a fresh start to the day I entered the house, vowing to earn enough money again as usual. Today I had woken up on time so there was no need to rush for anything. I got out of the bathroom after a long time, the food that I had bought last night was still edible. I had purchased some canned food so it was perfectly fine. After finishing my meal, I came out of the house wearing normal office attire. I was walking towards the office quickly, taking my usual route on foot. Today I would not take a taxi. After walking for about forty minutes, I reached my office and immediately sat at my desk. I felt better after drinking a whole glass of water. It was chilled and refreshing. Walking forty minutes twice a day was a good thing for my health, but it was making me exhausted. Throughout the day I did not just sit at my office desk, I also had to bring files here and there. “Hey, good morning. You look tired today,” Milo entered the office, running towards me with worried eyes. He wiped my sweat with his handkerchief as I pulled my face back from him. “Thanks, but I can do it,” I said, wiping my face by myself. I noticed that he was feeling somewhat confident today, as he only blushed a little. His friends were giving him a teasing look. I think he had planned this. It was his next step to get closer to me. Do not know when he would stop his childish game, but he was sweet at least. “Now go back to your work,” I ordered him in a chilly tone. He looked at me like I was giving him some sort of punishment. He was pouting. “Okay, but I think you should buy a scooter. It’s a good idea,” Milo suggested as he left, giving me this great idea. I turned on my laptop, doing a Google search for myself on the price of a scooter. He was right, if I had a scooter, then I could reach both the office and night club on time without any issues. But then I noticed that the price of all the scooters were very high. I knew that I could never buy one. So I thought of buying a second-hand one instead. As I was looking at the same scooter, I noticed that the second-hand one was still quite expensive. I would have to put down a large deposit of money to buy a scooter. I exited that webpage because I knew I would not be able to afford to buy a scooter just by looking at the website. If I want a second-hand one then, I would have to earn extra money, so I started working even more. While working, the same thoughts were spinning in my mind that I would have to find a third part time job, because I was short of money this month.  I looked at the people that were working around me. People that earned the same salary as me, but none of them had the same burden of debt on their shoulders. So this money was enough for them. The company I worked in was the biggest company in the city so my salary was good, but not enough for me. Now I had to find a third part time job! “Hey Cia!” I heard someone call my name. When I raised my head and looked up, I found Sophia was standing in front of my desk. “Hey Sophia.” I replied smiling, she placed a coffee mug next to me. “It’s been quite some time since we have spoken. Why do you look so lost?” Sophia asked, I managed to smile in response. I did not have an answer to her question. Sophia was in a more influential position than me. She worked with top officials under the president of the company, but she has been a wonderful friend of mine ever since I joined this office. Despite being a member of management, she never tried to humiliate me and always treated me like a friend. She was almost always busy, but whenever she had the chance, she would come and meet with me, bringing coffee for the two of us. I picked up the coffee from the desk and took a sip.   “Nothing, there is a shortage of money this month. You know my truth that I work part time in the nightclub, but because of debt, I come up short with money every time. That’s why I am looking for another part time job,” I filled her in on everything. I said it all while smiling as there was no use in trying to hide anything from her. There was only one girl in the entire building that knew about my part time job. I had never told her, but one day she saw me walking out of the nightclub. I thought she would reveal my dark secret to everyone at work, but she did not tell it to anyone to date. Since that day we have become good friends. “I can understand that you need the money and you can not stop earning it. But if you find yet another part time job, I am afraid it will ruin your health. You already work here from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, then you work from 9:00 pm to 12:00 pm at your part time job. If, despite these two jobs, you tried to find a third, you will not have any time to rest. After all, how much of your life will you spend working like this?” Sophia asked me, there was truth in her words. I have not stopped working even once since I turned fifteen. I have not taken a single sick day or day to rest.. “I know you are thinking about what is best for me, but my circumstances are getting worse day by day so I need a job so that I can earn more money,” I told her, she looked like she was mulling something over. “I have a way in which you will not need to find a third job and you will also earn more money,” Sophia declared, while putting her coffee on top of the desk. As soon as I understood what she was saying I became eager to learn the way. I was ready to do anything for it. “Are you telling the truth? How can I make more money?” I asked, she said that she would be back in a couple minutes. After she left, I got involved in my work, after a while Sophia came back again. “I was talking about this method.” Sophia told me, placing a form in front of me. I picked up the form and started reading. “If you fill out this form, then you will earn a higher salary than you are right now. I also believe that the increase in income would equal obtaining that third part time job of yours,” Sophia advised me as I read the form carefully and completely. In other words, this form was an application for a job opening. The position was to work as the company’s president’s secretary. When I came into the office one day and read the notice board, seeing that post that the company was looking for a suitable secretary for the president. I had noticed that many of my female coworkers were filling out this form, they all wanted to be the secretary of the president. No one wants to leave the opportunity to become the secretary of the most desirable bachelor of the office. Mr. Black was famous for being a gentleman. He was not a rude man, a jerk, or a pervert type person and Sophia was asking me to become his secretary. I returned the form, smiling to Sophia. “You are thinking too highly of me. I think you have forgotten that a girl like me will never become the president’s secretary. I barely got this job at this company, which was a stroke of luck for me. He will never choose me to work with. He would never even look at me or my form. I do not want to delude myself with false hope. I know the chances of me getting this position are impossible,” I stressed to Sophia, she was angry after listening to me. “I know you have a lot of responsibilities, Cia. Despite knowing everything that you have gone through, I cannot feel your circumstances the way you do. That being said, I would like you to at least think about not picking up a third part time job. I care about you and it's because of this thatI am saying all of these things,” Sophia recommended as she hugged me tight. She also knew I would most likely not get this job, but she was still asking me to fill out the form. She did not want me to add a third job on to my already overloaded plate. I hugged her back tightly. I was very lucky to have such a concerned friend who was always thinking of me. “Now I am going back to my desk. I will see you later. It’s time for the president to come.” Saying this, Sophia left from there, she had deliberately left the form in front of me. Now it was just me staring at the form. I noticed that everyone in the office was filling out this form for the position. Everyone knows that only one person will be selected, but everyone was trying. So why should I not give it a try as well? I got this idea and I picked up the pen. My hands went to form as I started filling it out.  I wasted at least ten minutes just to fill out a one-page form! It was not that I did not know what to write down, but my mind was in a dilemma over whether I was doing it right or not.  I got up from my desk and made my way towards the human resources department. There were few people moving about because everyone had to submit their forms into the hands of a specific member of the HR staff by a certain time today. The remaining two people ahead of me submitted theirs and now it was my turn. I was taking everything in from a distance, but I had not dared to submit the form yet. The fear that had settled in my chest like a lead weight was preventing me from doing so, but I do not know what the cause of my fear was? Is it about my…. “Are you here to submit your application?” A person from that department asked me while smiling. He saw the form in my hand. “Yes, I replied, bewildered, looking at him with a smile. “Almost all the interested people have submitted their applications, the time for submission will be over very shortly. You should submit the form soon,” The man advised me, I nodded my head in understanding. He had a good point, in the next five minutes; the person who was designated to collect the applications from everyone was going to get up and leave, the submission time would be closed. I started walking towards the submission table, two women stood before me. Both of them were in the same position as me. I stood behind them waiting for my turn. “I cannot believe that I have filled this application to become Mr. Black’s secretary. He is such a gentleman! I just pray to God that he will choose me as his secretary,” One of the two women present there, the one who was dressed in white,squeals. I could overhear everything they were saying.. “Why do you think he will choose you?” Her friend asked, looking at her from head to toe. Reading  her friend’s body language it was clear that she also wanted to become Mr. Black’s secretary. “Why? Is there anything wrong about me?” I could clearly hear the Irritation in the white-clad woman’s voice. I understood that these two were definitely going to fight for some time.  “Don’t you know that Mr. Black has built this company on his own, not with the help of his father? His former secretary came from America. After arriving she was immediately fired from the job, the company started looking for a new secretary for him. He will be the one to choose the replacement.” It surprised me to learn this new information about his former secretary. I had not know that Mr. Black’s secretary had come from America, but the most surprising thing was why had Mr. Black fired her? “Do you know why that girl was fired?” I could not stop myself from asking this question. The woman looked back at me.  “I don’t know exactly, but people say that the secretary had done something that would ruin the company’s reputation. That is why she was fired. It is obvious that the new person that will be hired will not be someone who will tarnish the name of the company,” The girl informed me with a smile,I just nodded. After listening to her, I clutched the application tightly in my hand. I could not understand what the secretary had hid from him or what she had done that had caused them to fire her. The truth was that I was also hiding a huge secret. If they uncovered this secret, then the company would be furious.  “Good morning, Mr. President,” I  heard some say as I glanced to my left. The president of the company, Mr. Ethan Black, entered the HR department with his secretary. He already had a secretary, but the girl who had been fired was the secretary of Mr. Black’s secretary. I heard that Mr. Black has always had two secretaries. Basically, this was the selection for the post of secretary of Mr. Black’s second secretary. Everyone in the room stopped and bowed before him with respect. Men and women were all looking at his handsome face. I could not help but do the same as them. I still could not believe that I was going to submit my application to become the secretary of a person who I had a crush on. Yes, Mr. Black, the gentleman was my crush. Every woman in this office liked Mr. Black, that was why women were filling out the form for the position of his secretary. A year ago when I obtained this job, was the first time that I saw Mr. Black. It would be a lie to say that I did not find him very attractive. I have seen many rich and handsome men coming and going at the nightclub in my life, but I had never found another man as attractive as I did  Mr. Black. His brown eyes met with mine causing my heart to beat faster. I also bowed my head to him, but I thought that he was looking at someone else, not at me. Why would he notice a woman like me? I was one of the thousands of women that worked here. With no make -up and no expensive clothes in an entry level position. This man was like the sky that I cannot even dream of touching. Why would a person surrounded by money, respect, and success choose a secretary who worked in a nightclub bar?  Due to the monetary incentive, I had completely forgotten that my identity differed from all these women that had applied. The day everyone discovered the truth would be the last day that I worked in this office. I would become the reason for the company’s and Mr. Black’s dishonor if I somehow managed to obtain the position of secretary. I still felt as if his eyes were on me, but I needed to pull myself back from this mistake before it went any further or caused any real damage. “You see, Mr. Black is coming in here. He must be coming to me!!!” The white dressed woman exclaimed, I saw that he really was coming to this side of the room. I had been right, he was not looking at me, but at that beautiful woman. I still panicked at watching him approach. I turned my eyes away from him, stepping out of the queue with the application in my hand. I would not lie to myself anymore, I was a little happy to think that he was looking at me. But that woman pulled me out of my daydreams, bringing me straight back to reality like I needed. I clutched my dress tightly in nervousness and successfully, slowly making my way towards the door. It was good. No one would notice me standing there. “Hey, are you not going to submit the form?” The same man that I had met when I had entered the department asked me again. I looked at the application thoughtfully, I smiled then folded it. I handed it over to the man. “No, I just came to see about all the commotion. You misunderstood me. It is not necessary that everyone gets what they want in life. I do not need to have this job, it’s just not in my cards. Will you help me by throwing this application in the trash can please? Thanks!” Giving him the form, I went back to  my department.  I don’t know why I wasted my time on it, I felt like a fool. I cursed myself in my mind as everything played over in my head before I finally got back to work. This was the right place for me. I met Sophia again at lunch. She questioned me about the application. She felt that I should have definitely tried once as it was not in my nature to give up before trying, but this time both the time and situation were different. She did not make me feel bad about my decision,the two of us calmly finished our lunch talking about other things. After running around the office all day, it was 9:00 at night and I had finished my work. Today, after finishing the office work as usual, I reached home and changed my clothes. I had to walk of course to get to the nightclub, once I reached there I learned that today some other rich man has booked the entire club. Only selected people could enter who were on the party list. I immediately changed my clothes in the locker room. According to this information, tonight I could see many unfamiliar faces. I started to serve drinks to these men. My eyes roamed around the club, again the reality of my life hit me. This was the place where I had to end every day. I didn't know how I had dared to think about applying for the job of secretary. The glass slipped from my hand and the drink was going to fall on the man’s dress shirt. I was startled and instantly apologized to him. I was so sad and lost in my thoughts that I was not paying attention to my surroundings. At least this man was kind, he did not scold me and did not complain to the manager. I could not afford to lose my job today, because some girls told me that the owner of the club was working the place tonight. If he received any type of complaint, then he would fire me on the spot from this job. I knew he was not like the manager. The manager always valued us, but the owner was not the same. He was a rich, arrogant man who thought lowly of us. He especially hated me as I always refused to give s*x services. One day my circumstances were terrible. I was only eighteen and I was in my first year of college. On that day I had gotten the job at this nightclub. The manager said that he would help me in exchange for money. He completed his promise and helped me. He asked the owner of the club, I took a vast loan out from this club. The owner made me sign a contract for the loan. He never liked me due to the fact that I only served drinks. I did not give s*x service, but the good thing was that he was letting me work .This way I was paying him by working too. It always scared me that he would force me to have s*x with the men who came here because of loan, but I have been lucky so far, that day has yet to come. I served drinks and went to use the washroom. When I came back I saw there were more guests. “Cia, there is a guest on the rooftop. Go and serve him,” The manager ordered, I was confused. Every guest was here, but only that one man was on the roof, what the hell was he doing up there?! “But manager, why do I need to go there? I mean, he will come down, right? Then I can serve him,” I said, but then the owner was making his way over. The manager and I both saw him coming and I panicked. I understood that he had heard me. “Go and serve him. I will handle him!” The manager advised, trying to save me. I nodded my head walking away from there with the drink tray. I did not look back at them. I knew the manager would handle him. It was good that I ran away from there in time otherwise the owner was going to scold me. I reached the rooftop and saw that this area was also decorated. I did not know that the party host had also booked the rooftop. It looked exquisite, there was a cool sweet breeze here. It was the perfect place to have a drink. I understood why this man had chosen this place. I walked further and saw that man standing. His back was facing me. He was a tall man with broad shoulders. He was standing near the railing overlooking the city. I also saw that the city looked striking from up here. I had never noticed that before, but I needed to get back downstairs. “Aamm, Sir, here is your drink,” I said, placing it on the table. As I got up, he turned around to look at me. As I saw his face, my eyes widened due to shock and fear. The man was none other than Mr. Black! Now what will happen to me? Mr. Black saw me!!!
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