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ADIRA " I am leaving, " Adira said to the old man Carl after she was done wiping down the counter for the night. Unlike how his name will make him look he wasn't old. A tall hefty man with a heart of gold. " You sure you be fine heading home by yourself, " the man asked with a concerned look. It was pretty late. Adira smiled. " I will be, " she assured him, before turning to head for the door, a proud swag to her step. She was happy to have found something to do. Jamal kept his word and drove her to a local diner. It wasn't much in terms of size but it was pretty busy. Seems most of the town folks eat at Joe's diner. The name is coined from the previous owner of the place who left it to his son, old man Carl as the town folks call him. Adira did wonder at the odd name since the

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