2192 Words

The worst words any child will ever hope to hear from a parent. Kendra's eyes rolled back in her head and she shuffled reluctantly to her mother's side and sat beside her. " You don't need to look as if I am going to kill you, is not fun for me to have this talk with you know, " Erica said to her child with a glint of humor in her eyes. Whatever! Kendra said rudely and then swallowed nervously when her mother glowered at her. " Sorry, " she whispered and sat calmly waiting for her mother to begin. Erica kept silent for few seconds trying to figure out how she was going to start the talk. She coughed before she began. " So I would like to know if you have had s*x with Hayden yet? " Kendra's whole face flushed hot red. The memories of what she just did with Adira burning hot in her min

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