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Carolyn heard the sound of her daughter's voice and came out to investigate when she didn't come in immediately and got the surprise of her life. Her daughter locking lips with another girl. The girls were so lost in each other that they didn't notice her presence until she coughed into her palm startling the duo. Kendra and Adira jumped away from each other at the noise there eyes wide in fear at the prospect of being caught kissing each other. Adira wheeled around to face her mum. " Mum! " she exclaimed in a nervous fearful tone staring at her mother's face to get her reaction to what she just saw. All Kendra could think of was escape. She stood awkwardly and lost at the face of Carolyn's direct stare. " I... better.. be going, " she stammered and hightailed it off Adira's pouch wit

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