7: Heal

1500 Words
It was a necessary thing for her to look at the place she is in. It is what they do when they are in a foreign place. Considering that she is alone now, she has to understand the place's state in case something happens that is against her. Therefore, despite her current state, she still pushed herself to rise from bed. It is a good thing that the pain in her head finally subsided, making her move better than a while ago. The room she is in is a small one, enough for one person only. Most of the furniture was made up of wood with just a bed, cabinet, table and chair. She forced herself to go to the window and what welcomed her was a beauty like no other, something she was not expecting at all. It was the first time she has seen such a place and for her to feel great appreciation for something. Usually, she just feels nothing. Alhalla is what people call it but from the stories she heard, no one ever told that this place possesses this kind of loveliness. Mayhap they purposely omitted it so no curious mind would venture, other than those desperate ones who are in need of the Seer's cure. With that, she does not understand how the Seer was able to find such a place. Mayhap someone had provided it for him—though that would be unlikely since powerful men like the monarchs had already cut ties with him and they would care less where he settles. There is a pavilion not far from the house where different insects are flying, making the place look more alive with the different creatures roaming. Around, scattered a mass of different flowers and greenery and beyond the place lies a majestic fall which creates a loud noise of crashing that she has only recognized the sound now. Never would she have thought such a place exists while war is happening on the other side of it. It just seemed impossible for it to survive in the middle of a disaster. But, all these years, it has stood firmly and with only a few people who knew of its existence. The Seer has maintained it well for himself. He has the chance to save the lives of many people by bringing them here but he remained in hiding and did not help them whatsoever. She shouldn’t think of him as selfish and uncaring since he was detested by these people when he was exiled. The people were the first to turn a blind eye and unfortunately, it is his time now. Her eyes settled on Ragar walking down the path to the house with a huge sack on his back. He does not seem to be bothered at all by the weight of it and she cannot help but wonder who he really is. Because clearly, his identity is not like what they are trying to say. The Seer and he do not look much alike and not a word has spread that the man actually had a child. If Ragar was adopted, that would have been a more acceptable one. But then the order of the King, according to the documents she read and by the telling of men, was that the Seer is exiled alone. Alone and without any companion. Years of serving the kingdom and that is what he has gotten in exchange—a punishment for telling what the gods allow him to see. He may have seen his future that will actually end up this way but he did not hold himself back at all—still continued on with performing his duty. Mayhap the only good thing that has come out of it is that they have been saved from the war outside of this place. “I would appreciate it if you leave as soon as are healed.” She immediately turned and saw the Seer by the door, facing her direction as if his senses are impeccable at detecting everything even if he does not have the ability to see what is around him. Her attention is clearly rusty while she is injured since these two men move around her without her even noticing their presence. She dislikes that she has become this weak from a single strike brought by a Druscilla’s weapon. It may have really been a good decision that she did not let the others know about her condition or else they might belittle her. “I will leave,” she replied. “I assure you that.” “The blood on your clothes wasn’t yours,” Srugor stated. “We are at war,” she said, going back to bed. “It is not new to have someone else’s blood stained what you wear.” “And your sword,” the man continued, not letting her be. “I have felt something familiar on the handle.” She gritted her teeth, knowing full well what the man is talking about. “You have the symbol of the House of Aldaine,” Srugor revealed. “Everyone has a side to fight with, Sir. I have chosen mine,” she hissed. Srugor started to approach her. “Could that really be true? Are you really the one who chose the side you are in now?” She was silenced, did not really know what to say. The question struck her and made her ponder about it. For once, she was alerted by a question. “Did you really choose to side with the House of Aldaine?” She was unable to answer and with that, Srugor nodded, not wanting to continue the conversation when she is unresponsive. Upon his exit, Sierra could not keep the question from bugging her. It was the first time someone has asked her about her decision on siding with the Aldaine’s. Sergio took them in after what he has done to their Uncle. He trained them and provided whatever they needed to survive in the war. Because of it, it is understood that they are on his side. Did they decide on it? No, but they did not have any complaints, they serve their Master without any hesitations. They are driven by their duty to him, so intense that they do not question any of Sergio’s doings. She inhaled sharply when she felt something constrict from her chest. She rests a hand on it, massaging so she could ease the pain when the door creaked open again and came in Ragar this time. She immediately lowered her hand, not wanting him to see her struggling. “The stew is cooked,” he said, holding a tray and laying it down by the table next to her bed. “I apologize if my clothes are dirty. I just carried something from outside but my hands are clean.” Then showed them to her as if she is bothered whether he is clean or not. Later on, she only realized that he wanted her to know about his state because he will feed her. He grabbed the utensils and brought a spoonful of broth to her mouth. She looked down at her hands, thinking that she could eat by herself but she ends up opening her mouth, allowing Ragar what he wanted to do. She does not want to rely on him but she does not want to worsen her condition, prolonging her stay even more. "Is it good?" he asked, smiling at her. Ragar’s warmness is not sitting well on her, especially when everyone she knows rarely smiles. How could they when everywhere they look is a sight of pure horror. They could never find humor in their situation. Meanwhile, this man acts so differently that she is not liking it at all. Ragar is only carefree because he did not experience the war outside this sanctuary—which makes her wonder if he would still have this positivity when he finally gets out of here and be in the real world. Thinking about his comfortableness only ignited something in her that she has never felt before—just pure disdain for the unfairness that while Ragar is here safe, they are risking their lives out there. Srugor may have been exempted since he is exiled but it is a whole different matter when it comes to Ragar. He is still living in Sinag, he is still a citizen of the kingdom and there is a war in which he should have rendered his service. Men like him who did not side with any of the Lords are executed for their cowardice and she should have done so now to him. She is merely doing him a favor. “Here,” he said, taking her attention. She forced herself to open her mouth again, letting him feed her, while she observes him with great intent. What could possibly be the right thing to do with this man?
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