VOLUME 2: Prologue I: The Shrine

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The sky was already dark and everything around him seemed to be in a state of silence—as if the trees are watching him closely, the leaves not making a sound even if the cold wind passes. Or mayhap he just does not hear or care about anything anymore because his focus is solely on his goal. Venturing alone in this unknown place, he was not at all alarmed about whatever is going to happen to him. The men he was with got lost on their way but he does not really need them anyway. His father only wanted him to be looked out for and he cannot refuse his King’s orders. Sweat trickled down from his forehead. He admits that the exhaustion has been taking a toll on his will to continue with his plan. His breathing is turning shallow, his throat dried from lack of dehydration since the sun rose and now that the darkness has reigned. He does not have anything else with him to eat and drink. But still, he was not stopping. He continues to go on. “You’re very close, Mirra,” came a whisper. “Very close.” He has not been getting any sleep ever since he started this journey. He was pursued discovering more of the treasures of the Ancients—feeling as if it is his responsibility to find and keep them, to protect them. He does not know when this habit of him started but when he discovered one treasure, he could not stop himself anymore. He already has Xenox’s shield, Ixchel’s hammer, Ellery’s sword, and Arran’s ax. All that is left to find is Avanya’s weapon. Torra and Nyxus are still living so there is no chance for him to discover theirs. When he manages to find the weapons of the long-gone Ancient Ascended, he then would try to look for the circlets that were bestowed to them by the gods themselves. He has high hopes for it and he has been praying to the gods immensely, asking for signs—which they give to him in different forms. This time, in his pursuit to find Avanya’s treasure, what came to him was a bright glow. It was such a beautiful sight—so enticing that he could never take his eyes off it. It was their only guide during the past few days and it was only him who could see it, who is haunted by it. The others could not even feel its presence, mayhap that is also the reason why they are lost on their way. Because the glow does not want them to track down the treasure with him. It is him and only him who shall have to see it. But then the sign suddenly disappeared. And he has to find his way with just the whispers and his instincts guiding him. Thankfully, the moon is bright or he will be having a hard time, walking in the dark. His power is of no use in this quest. Because a Crown Prince that he is, what the gods gifted him is not an advantage in war or on serious matters like this when there are survival skills needed. He has the power of preservation but mayhap that is also the reason why the gods chose him to collect the Ancients’ treasures—to preserve them for future generations. He may not be reliable when it comes to state affairs and fighting with the Wentraus but at least he could be useful in this aspect. “It’s here.” Here? He shivered at the realization that he has finally arrived, Raising his head, he saw a hill not far away with massive trees and tall grasses blocking what was further beyond it. There were stairs so he knew there is something in there or else there shouldn’t be any path towards it. He braced himself and went on walking. One step at a time since the stairs are covered with algae. He has to hold on to the railings to avoid falling down. It was a tedious walk. His legs are getting wobbly due to exhaustion, lack of sleep and food. Added with the difficulty of the bloody slippery steps. When he reached the final one, he was not at all relieved because as expected, he has to get through those tall grasses that possibly hid snakes and other animals that would not hold back from attacking him. He analyzed the place, squinting so he could see what is on the other side of these obstructions. He could not clearly see it since the area had massive trees blocking the light of the moon but he has a feeling that it is what he is looking for. His guts are just telling him that it is and the path is headed towards there so there really is no mistaking it, Holding his sword tight, he took a step forward and sliced the grass on his way, making him a path to walk on. He walked straight because once he turns, he would definitely lose his way and will not end up on the other side that he was eyeing out a while ago. Determined, he did not stop even if his arms were getting too much pressure, even if his sweat is covering his face all over. "Entirety will be damned. Reign of somber days shall follow. Immaculate, thou shall not. For as long as thou shall live, everyone awaits your advent." He paused, his eyes getting blurry and his ears ringing with those words. “What?” he asked. “I do not understand.” “Finish what you’ve started, Mirra,” another whispered. “Take Avanya’s treasure.” He took a deep breath and continued on, only to pause again when a different voice spoke to him again, the words echoing in his head. "Entirety will be damned. Reign of somber days shall follow. Immaculate, thou shall not. For as long as thou shall live, everyone awaits your advent." “Stop it! Stop it!” “It’s the gods testing your resolve. Do not let them succeed, Mirra. You can do this." He gritted his teeth, holding his sword tight before swishing it violently, hitting the grass and trimming them in the process. "That's right. You are doing great. Keep going." He exhaled heavily and continued on without stopping anymore. He's just grateful the whispers did not bug him as well. His limbs are already trembling at that point and he just hopes that he is making progress, at least even a little. He already lost track of time but the moon is right up above him—a sign that it is already midnight. A cold gush of wind made the leaves and grass sway. An owl hooting with the crickets chirping. They do not deter him. He continued on even if his trembling got worse due to the cold. There is nothing that could stop him now that he is this close to what he wants to take—so bloody close. Mirra was on high alert when he heard a rustle just right behind him. It was a different kind of noise—not something that was created by nature. Holding his sword tightly, he slowly turned his head to look, bracing himself to attack. His mouth parted when he sees what it actually is. It was the bright glow. All red and fuming. "It is there." He looked back in front and parted the tall grass blocking him, revealing a building that is covered with crawling vines and dirt. It's a shrine. Completely abandoned. He looked back at the glow but there was nothing there anymore, just the moon up ahead. He did not waste his time and just went on to the shrine, determined to finish this—only to be tripped when his foot hit a rock. His face hit the cobblestone path and he felt something wet coming out of his nose. He cursed and wiped it off. No time for paying attention to a bloody nose, he was about to push himself up when he heard a hissing sound by his right. He swallowed hard, looking where his sword has gone off since his hold loosened when he fell. The weapon was right up above him but he has to move in order to grab it and the animal by his side would not like that. He took a glimpse, astonished that it was such a huge snake—all black and looking lethal. It is moving its head, staring at him in great focus, waiting for a perfect chance to strike. Mirra tried to even his breathing, gathering his strength before he suddenly jumped for his sword and sliced the reptile before it could sink its fangs into him. He immediately moved away from the animal when it did not stop even when it is sliced. He moved his sword, hitting the snake numerous times, cutting its body into parts before it has completely stilled. At this point, he is already heaving but when he looked back at the shrine, he felt like he is revived again. At last. He stood up straight and walked towards the place. As he entered, he instantly felt the dark and heavy aura looming over the area. It place was too dark for him to navigate where to walk to. There is only a sliver of light on the farthest corner but other than that there is no other source of light. He has to start a fire first. He backed out, heading back to the door to grab something he needs outside but it slams shut, making his eyes widen with alarm. "Who is it?" he asked, holding his sword with two hands and flinging it back and forth as he turns. "Show yourself." "It is I," the whisper said and he immediately calmed, lowering his sword. "I will give you light, Mirra, but I needed the door closed shut so we will not be detected." He nodded. Fire suddenly ignited in the air and he was amazed for a moment. He immediately snapped out of it though and grabbed a wood to serve as his torch in finding the treasure. With light inside the shrine, he finally saw what the interior looks like. Despite the old age, dirt, and abandonment, it was beautiful. The gold columns may be slightly covered with filth and the altar with cobwebs and with fallen debris. Still, it was magnificent. It certainly is more magnificent during its time—thousands of years ago. The places where he has found the treasures of the other four Ancients were not at all like this. This is a shrine while the others he has found are deep in an ocean, high up the mountains, down below the ground, and in a gilded kingdom. Avanya is, indeed, special yet never talked about in the books. She was clearly avoided and there might be a reason for it but no one dared to write it down nor explain it by word of mouth. But being in this place proves the Ancient Ascended's greatness. It was shown on the ceiling—carved in the gold interior are the many illustrations of her that mostly shows her power of fire. And in one area, there are letters that he cannot read and also understand. It was an Ancient language, for certain. He walked close to it, close to the altar, wanting to see more of the language. And as he got nearer, the sliver of light he saw when he was by the door caught his attention more than the words on the ceiling. He moves his torch towards it and turned to head there, careful with his every step. But no matter how careful he is, there is no assurance of safety in any old places. The floor he is stepping on creaked then he heard it crack until it suddenly broke. The marble gave up and fell down deep below and before he could grab on to something, he went with it as well—falling into a pit of darkness.
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