Chapter 36: I Had s*x!

2041 Words

My headache started to fade away and I took a few deep breaths, but I still couldn't remember what I had just been doing or what was going on. In fact, I was still having trouble remembering who I was. And then it came back to me as I murmured, “I'm the king's mistress. And he's marrying another woman...." “Yes, I know, my lady," he said softly, his breathing heavy. Who was he again? He looked so familiar. His dark eyes and hair, his god-like handsome face, the intensity of his gaze…and all of those hot muscles pressing against me. Finally, pieces and bits of information came to me, a name started to form in my head, but I had difficulties pronouncing it…Th-Th-Theron? Thalen? Theo! “And you are my guard." I said this to him as if I was unsure, but he nodded. “Like all of us here at

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