Chapter 29: He Kissed Me Again!

2089 Words

*Ciana* Frustration boiled through my veins just thinking about Theo and how unreasonable he was acting, insisting on going back to the castle right now when my pack had such a crisis on our hands. He, of all people, should have understood the importance of serving one's people. My feet carried me to the pack house not far away from my home. Mom and Dad had decided that we wouldn't live in an enormous building. Instead, we had been living in a smaller home with more privacy for the three of us, and the pack house was only used for meetings and events. Running directly into the pack house right now may not be a good idea. Like Theo said, if this was a trap, there could be danger awaiting me. I decided that I'd stay near the building and see what I could find. I'd just walked over to

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